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The ANMAT prohibited the sale of olive oil

The ANMAT ordered a brand of olive oil to be removed from sale (Getty Images)

The National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT) prohibited the production, fractionation and marketing of olive oil produced by the Finca La Anita brand. The measure was the result of an investigation that found that the product “is falsely labeled.”

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“The product is in violation for lacking a sanitary registration of the establishment and product, and for being falsely labeled by displaying registration numbers on its label that have been canceled and belong to another company, consequently turning out to be an illegal product,” detailed the document that was published in the early hours of this Tuesday.

In this way, within the framework of the justification offered by the ANMAT, the fact that this company had used false labels on its labels was highlighted, since these corresponded to non-existent records. For this reason, they clarified that any container that has that presentation, batch and expiration date will be considered an “illegal product.”

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It is important to highlight that the research in question was carried out by the National Food Institute (INAL) and it was carried out through the Federal Information System for Food Control Management (SiFeGA) in relation to the authenticity of the product. labeled as “Olive Oil, Extra Virgin Blend, Finca La Anita brand” in its 5000 cc presentation.

In this context, because the product is advertised and promoted on online sales platforms, the Program for Monitoring and Supervision of Advertising and Promotion of Products Subject to Health Surveillance was requested to evaluate the measures to be adopted.

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In addition, it was stated that, “because it is a product that cannot be reliably and clearly identified as produced, processed and divided in a specific establishment, it cannot be produced anywhere in the country, nor marketed or sold in the territory.” of the Republic”.

In the same order of things, the agency indicated that article 3 of Law 18284, article 3 of Annex II of Decree 2126/71 and articles 6 bis, 13 and 155 of the Argentine Food Code (CAA), They were broken, both for lacking a sanitary registration of the establishment and product, and for being falsely labeled by displaying on its label registration numbers that had been canceled and belonged to another company.

“That the aforementioned procedure falls within the inspection and control functions that the ANMAT is responsible for exercising, violates the health responsibility that it has with respect to the population,” the text reported, placing special emphasis on the protection of citizen health. .

Likewise, he added: “the Department of Food Regulations of the INAL recommends prohibiting the production, fractionation and marketing throughout the national territory and in the places where the aforementioned product is sold” by highlighting that it was a measure adopted with the purpose of protect the health of citizens who could consume illegal products.

The oil that was banned by the ANMAT

At the end of October last year, the ANMAT had prohibited the production, fractionation and marketing of three olive oils produced by the brands “Cruz del Eje”, “La Costa” and “San Marcos”.

In this case, the measure was the result of an investigation that found that the companies had not registered the products in accordance with the provisions of the Argentine Food Code (CAA).

In the same way, it was highlighted that these companies had used false labels on their labels, since these corresponded to non-existent records, with which they had reported that any container that has that presentation, lot and expiration date would automatically become a illegally sold product.

It is important to highlight that the investigation of the olive oils in question was motivated by a complaint filed by the General Directorate of Control of the Food Industry of Córdoba after they detected that the product produced, distributed and marketed by “San Marcos” appeared not comply with current regulations.

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