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The Andromeda Nebula: The Nord Stream Sabotage Investigations –

/ world today news/ More than six months have passed since explosions rumbled at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, rupturing three strands of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines. The sabotage left a big hole in European and even global energy security and caused serious material damage to the owners and investors of gas pipelines, not to mention the negative consequences for the marine ecosystem that have not yet been fully assessed.

However, we still know criminally little about exactly what happened. Officials in Sweden, Denmark and Germany, who are investigating this once unthinkable act of terror against critical energy infrastructure, have been extremely tight-lipped about their comments, preferring to keep the public in the dark.

In early April, Swedish prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist said he believed a group “sponsored by some state” was behind the pipeline sabotage, although it was “theoretically possible” an “independent group” was involved.

He also noted that the type of explosives used excluded “a significant portion of the actors.” This is actually all the information that is given by the first person or rather by the first persons of the investigation. German and Danish prosecutors prefer to remain silent for now.

But, as you know, a negative result is also a result, and the sluggish investigations into the terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream actually give more information than it seems.

First, the very fact that there is no unified international investigation and that three European countries are conducting their own investigations already speaks of either extreme distrust of each other, or a desire to hide facts and possibly evidence, or all of these together.

Second, those who like to attach labels with the addition “very likely” would not hesitate to accuse Russia of self-destructing the pipelines here. However, more than six months have passed and this is gone or almost gone.

There were many timid attempts, but apparently there was nothing to even grab hold of. The Swedish prosecutor’s “revelations” about the type of explosive (ie it was planted), excluding “a significant part of the actors” – are from the same opera.

Third, in the conditions of an acute shortage of official data, an amusing polemic of “sources close to…” unfolded in the Western press. It was started by the distinguished American journalist and publicist Seymour Hersh, who actually publicly accused the Joe Biden administration of preparing this terrorist act.

According to his sources, this sabotage was carried out by the American intelligence services with the assistance of Norway. In fact, Washington and Oslo have become the main beneficiaries of the European market cut off from Russian gas.

They are now the main suppliers of gas to the EU market. And the Norwegians – taking into account the volume of their exports – also made incredible profits from it.

The White House, of course, called Hirsch’s information a lie, but took no legal action against the journalist. So does the Norwegian government. There were and are no attempts to confront the “heinous slanderer” against honest and democratic states.

But at the same time, already a few weeks after Hirsch’s first publication about the Nord Stream explosions, information leaked in the Western media – or more precisely “information” that some pro-Ukrainian group could be behind the terrorist attack, but in no way way is not related to the official Kiev.

Curiously, according to Western newspaper sources, apparently trying to cover up Washington and Oslo, the explosives were delivered to the site of the explosions by a diver on the private yacht Andromeda.

According to ancient myth, King Cepheus had to let his beautiful daughter Andromeda be eaten by a sea monster to appease the wrath of the gods caused by her mother Cassiopeia’s boasting. In ancient Greek legend, Andromeda was saved by the hero Perseus, who showed the monster the severed head of Medusa the Gorgon and turned it into stone. The Baltic Andromeda will apparently be sacrificed to save the real guarantors and organizers of the terrorist attacks on the Northern Streams. So far, it’s not working out too well. The ears stick out too much.

Translation: SM

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