Home » today » World » The amorous Bogusław Linda turns 72. He was allegedly caught in mattress with a well-known actress

The amorous Bogusław Linda turns 72. He was allegedly caught in mattress with a well-known actress

Ewa Wencel was imagined to have an affair with the actor, and all of it got here to gentle when the lady’s husband caught the 2 of them frolicking in mattress. Erwin Wencel was not solely Bogusław Linda’s buddy and godfather of his daughter, but in addition the actor’s agent for nearly 25 years. When the media didn’t but know why the agent left his job with Bogusław Linda and broke off contacts with him, it was advised that Erwin had an affair with Lidia Popiel. Nonetheless, it turned out that the reality was fully totally different, and Erwin advised every thing in an interview with SE24.TV. The person admitted that after one of many social occasions, when a buddy was sleeping in his home, an incident occurred that modified their lives without end:

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