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The Americans have approved the use of the vaccine from Moderna

One week ago, the FDA approved vaccination with a substance from the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer and the German company BioNTech, which began on Monday. “By ensuring the availability of two vaccines to prevent covid-19, the FDA has taken another key step in the fight against the global pandemic, which will cause a huge number of hospitalizations and deaths in the United States every day,” said Stephen Hahn, chief of staff.

Moderna has the advantage over Pfizer in that it does not need to be stored at extremely low temperatures and will therefore be easier to distribute to the patients themselves. It does not lose its effectiveness even at temperatures that are in normal domestic freezers.

Moderny is expected to be used in less accessible places, such as rural hospitals. Moderna has agreements with the US government to deliver 200 million doses of vaccine by the end of June next year, 20 million of which this year. The vaccine is given in two doses over four weeks, Reuters reported.

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