Home » today » World » The American Topaz and Crystal systems suddenly went blind over the Black Sea – 2024-08-06 15:07:43

The American Topaz and Crystal systems suddenly went blind over the Black Sea – 2024-08-06 15:07:43

/ world today news/ The Russian radio-electronic warfare system renders the Ukrainian attacks almost useless

Ukrainian diversionary activities in the Black Sea are fully coordinated by the US and NATO. NATO provides not only intelligence from unmanned aerial vehicles, but also, presumably, launch sites for naval drones. The Canadian-Indian Eurasian Times writes about this, referring to the military.

The direct participation of NATO military advisers in attacks against the Black Sea infrastructure poses a threat to the entire water area. However, Russian radio electronic warfare has already learned to counter the American reconnaissance satellites Topaz and Crystal, which constantly monitor Crimea. As well as reconnaissance drones. One of them was already sent to the bottom of the sea in March – if the Americans do not calm down, the others will soon start diving too.

The unmanned cutters in the direction of Novorossiysk may have been launched by American ships

On August 4 and 5, the Ukrainians launched a series of coordinated strikes against targets in the Black Sea: the port of Novorossiysk, an oil storage facility in Feodosia, and the oil tanker Sig. The air attack of the drones on Fedosia did not cause any damage (the drones were suppressed by radio-electronic combat, one crashed near the oil storage), in the port of Novorossiysk, the large landing ship of the Russian fleet “Olenegorsky Miner” became a target.

In addition, the Ukrainians themselves published a video of an American warship approaching the Olenegorsky Miner. It may have been used to launch the drones, Eurasian Times reports. Both unmanned boats were detected and destroyed by regular fire from Russian ships guarding the outer harbor of the naval base.

After the boats were shot at, one of them exploded in the immediate vicinity of “Olenegorsky Miner”. However, a full-scale strike could have sunk the ship, assuming the drone was carrying a 450 kg explosive payload, as reported by Reuters.

The attack on the port of Novorossiysk was coordinated with a massive drone attack on Feodosia. The Chinese Mugin-5 Pro drones were launched from the Kherson Chernobayevka airport, the target of which was probably not only Feodosia, but also Armyansk.

The consequences of the US-Ukrainian sabotage would have been much worse if not for the brilliant work of the Russian radio-electronic warfare system.

The secret American ships were driven off the burning Ismail at the mouth of the Danube

Several US aerial surveillance assets are deployed by the States: RQ-4D Phoenix and MQ-9A Reaper reconnaissance drones and at least one P-8 Poseidon anti-submarine patrol aircraft. The work of the Ukrainian Tekever AR4 Evolution surveillance and reconnaissance drones was also recorded.

American warships may be at the mouth of the Danube, from where they were forced to leave after the destruction of the port of Izmail, writes the Eurasian Times. Under the guise of a commercial seaport, in fact, a secret naval base of NATO ships operated in Izmail: on August 2, the port and fuel infrastructure here was completely destroyed.

The Americans are becoming more active in the Black Sea region, writes Eurasian Times. In the past month alone, the Crimean peninsula has been under close surveillance by US and NATO satellites. US Topaz SAR radar surveillance satellites make repeated overflights over Crimea to photograph and pinpoint military targets. In the past month alone, the Russian military has recorded at least 29 satellite passes over Crimea.

The RQ-4 Global Hawk is ready to spy on Crimea even through clouds and fog

The Topaz satellites are part of the FIA ​​Radar (Future Imagery Architecture) program, one of the most secret programs of the US National Intelligence Agency, writes the specialized publication SkyRocket. A constellation of 5 satellites was deployed from 2010 to 2018 by Boieng, with launches from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

Topaz secret satellites complement the round-the-clock monitoring of Crimea and the Black Sea region by US RQ-4 Global Hawk drones. They perform wide-ranging surveillance over a wide geographic area by collecting imagery and radio reconnaissance data.

The RQ-4 Global Hawk is equipped with sophisticated radio reconnaissance systems capable of acquiring images in all weather conditions, day or night, even through thick clouds.

Infrared sensors allow the drone to acquire high-resolution images and track targets. The drone has an integrated signals intelligence (SIGINT) system: it is capable of intercepting and analyzing electronic emissions, such as communications and radar signals, from various sources on the ground and at low altitudes in the air.

Surveillance based on the RQ-4 Global Hawk has one significant limitation – it cannot be carried out directly over the target area in Crimea. The drone must maintain a safe distance from the peninsula to avoid being shot down. And the perspective image taken from a distance from the peninsula, unlike the vertical one, has serious distortions. To do this, the Americans conduct observations from both systems at the same time – unmanned and satellite to improve the accuracy of the image.

“Krasnuha” deafens the American satellites, and “Peresvet” blinds them

The response to American sabotage must be as harsh as possible. An American MQ-9 Reaper drone that nearly invaded Russian airspace was already shot down over the Black Sea on March 14. The remains of the drone were quickly found, removed and sent for examination. The Americans are apparently waiting for their other drones to crash into the sea.

And you don’t even need to lift planes into the air for that. Russia has powerful electronic warfare capabilities to counter US intelligence, Eurasian Times reports. For example, the Krasnukha-4 radio-electronic warfare system can affect not only drones, but also satellites, preventing them from receiving images. And the Russian Peresvet military laser is capable of blinding optical imaging satellites, such as the US KH-11 Crystal series satellites (known as Key Hole). The unusually high number of satellite flights over Crimea suggests that their operation was disrupted – and Topaz was forced to be used again for reconnaissance purposes.

Translation: ES

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