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The Ambassador of Peace’s message to teachers – Matin Libre

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The members of the departmental coordination Caev duo Talon-Talata du Zou were officially installed in their function, yesterday Sunday March 14, 2021, in Abomey. It was thanks to a solemn ceremony chaired by the godmother of this movement of teachers of the three orders, Mariam Chabi Talata Zimé Yérima, the first vice-president of the National Assembly. Carrying a message of peace, the ambassador urged her fellow teachers, whom she supports, to the culture of peace.

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“We have to break with the past. We must not allow the painful events of our past to resurface in the present. ” This is indeed the fundamental reason which justifies the tour undertaken by the First Vice-President of the National Assembly in certain localities which may or may not be the prey of violence to sensitize the populations to the culture of peace. Our country is a State of law which started the democratic process since 1990. In its course we are considered as models at the level of the sub-region, of the continent and even in the whole world. ” let know Mariam Talata Zimé, Unfortunately, this celebrity of which we are known was marred by the electoral violence recorded in 2019 in Savè, Tchaourou, Parakou, Bassila and Bantê. It is so that this past does not invite itself in the next presidential election and even in other elections that the ambassador of peace took up her pilgrim’s staff to go and raise awareness among young people. In Abomey, she also engaged in this exercise although the city of Houégbadjavi is considered a peaceful people. ”I came to speak with you to tell you that electoral periods, everywhere in the world, are fraught with tension before, during or after (…) We realized that it is not in Africa alone that the elections can give rise to conflicts. No Later, a few months ago, the United States of America, a democracy over two centuries old, gave us a spectacle that astonished us. We have seen in this great democratic country that violence during an election period is not the act of shitty countries ”she underlined. In other words, election violence can occur in any country in the world if proper precautions are not taken. “It is therefore not for Africa, it is a human reality” that we must seek to control by emphasizing awareness in order to take precautions to prevent the unpredictable nature of man that we are. To counter any inclinations that are being prepared in the shadows to endanger the election. And this is where the importance of Mariam Talata Zimé’s approach lies. She asked teachers to be partners in her fight for non-violence, in the fight for peace without which no project, no development is possible. “Hear that teachers, we have the obligation to help our children, our parents to protect their life whose importance is no longer to be demonstrated. On behalf of his fellow teachers and members of the departmental coordination, Isidore Agnoun-Basso, the coordinator Caev Zou promised to do everything in his power to ensure that the next electoral contest takes place in peace and conviviality. Beyond the mission she has assigned herself, her peers have invested her with another by offering her a key, a recarde and a traditional hat. Once she is elected Vice-President of the Republic, Mariam Talata Zimé will have to work for the enhancement of the teaching function and the well-being of Beninese teachers.

Fernand Kinmahou

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