Follow-up _ Lama Nasr:
Fennel is a natural herb that has been used since ancient times to lose weight, burn fat, and fight gas. Learn with us the health and nutritional benefits of fennel.
Fennel benefits
1. Fennel reduces appetite by stimulating an increase in the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for reducing appetite.
2. Fennel is a rich source of vitamin B6 or so-called pyridoxine, which plays an important role in metabolic processes through its ability to convert carbohydrates into glucose and proteins into amino acids.
3. It helps in losing weight by stimulating the production of bile, which stimulates the function of the digestive system and thus facilitates the excretion of stool after softening it.
4. Vitamins A and C present in fennel work as antioxidants to remove excess and accumulated fats from the body.
5. It contains a high percentage of fiber, which helps reduce food intake and thus reduce weight. It also reduces the amount of fat in the body and expels toxins and waste that hinder the fat burning process.
6. Fennel is a diuretic, as it reduces the amount of fluid in the body that can lead to weight gain.
7. Fennel helps flatten the abdomen and eliminate sagging.
2023-06-04 17:17:03
#Weight #loss #tummy #tuck..and #imaginary #benefits #fennel