Jakarta –
Habbatussauda or also called black cumin is a plant that is widely used as traditional medicine. Because, Black Seed is believed to nourish the body and prevent various diseases.
Please note, Black Seed contains vitamins, amino acids, essential oils, saponins, calcium, sodium, and many other substances. Therefore, Black Seed is often consumed by a number of people in order to maintain a healthy body.
So, what are the benefits of consuming Black Seed? Check out the full discussion in this article.
What is Black Seed?
Reported by e-Jurnal owned by unair.ac.id, Black Seed (Nigella sativa) is a type of plant that belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. This plant originates from South Asia and West Asia, but has grown a lot in Southern Europe and the Middle East.
In its home country, black cumin is often used as a flavoring agent and natural preservative, generally used for Indian and Middle Eastern specialties. Then, the seeds themselves are consumed by many people because they are believed to be beneficial for health.
In fact, the benefits of Black Seed have been studied for thousands of years, to be precise by Ibn Sina (Avicenna). In his medical journal entitled Canon of Medicine, Ibn Sina revealed that black cumin seeds have a myriad of health benefits, one of which is as a treatment for shortness of breath.
Black Seed Benefits
Apart from treating shortness of breath, there are many more benefits of Black Seed for body health that have been studied by scientists. Quoting from various sources, here are some of the benefits of Black Seed.
1. Increase Body Immunity
The first benefit of Black Seed is that it can boost the immune system. Quoting the book Black Seed: The Extraordinary Benefits of Black Seed for Health by Tresno Saras, black cumin contains many active substances that can increase the body’s immunity, so it is believed to help fight various infections and diseases.
2. Maintain Heart Health
In addition, regular consumption of Black Seed can also maintain heart health. According to a number of studies, Black Seed has a positive impact on heart health, because it can help lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
3. Maintains Digestion
Do detikers often experience digestive disorders? If so, try to regularly consume Black Seed. This is because the content of essential oils in black cumin can heal and protect the digestive system.
Therefore, many people consume Black Seed extract when experiencing digestive disorders, such as stomach aches, stomach ulcers, and bloating.
Analysis of 17 studies published in the journal Pharmacological Research revealed that Black Seed can help lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Interestingly, the researchers found that Black Seed oil had a stronger effect on lowering cholesterol than Black Seed powder.
The next benefit of Black Seed is that it can lose weight. Reported by the Healthline website, a study revealed that Black Seed was able to lose weight and excess fat in the stomach.
But keep in mind, so that you can lose weight quickly, you should also balance it by maintaining a healthy diet, sleeping regularly, and exercising regularly.
6. Maintain Hair Health
For detikers who often experience hair loss problems, try to regularly consume Black Seed. This is because the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of black cumin can promote hair growth.
However, detikers are also required to do hair care using a number of special products. This is so that the hair remains healthy and strong.
7. Maintaining Blood Sugar Levels
Apparently, Black Seed is also useful for maintaining blood sugar levels in the body. A journal published by Complementary Therapies in Medicine revealed that taking Black Seed supplements can improve and maintain normal blood sugar levels.
8. Prevent Cancer
The last benefit of Black Seed is that it can prevent cancer. You see, the ethanol antioxidant compound in black cumin can actually inhibit the malignancy of cancer cells. A study conducted a test on a mouse, the result was that the malignancy of cancer cells slowly began to decrease in these mice.
Please note, too many free radicals in the body can cause the body to experience oxidative stress. This can trigger various cell damage in the body to cause various chronic diseases, one of which is cancer.
So, there are eight benefits of Black Seed for body health. So, you should consume black cumin every day and also balance it with a healthy diet and regular exercise!
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2023-06-04 07:40:41
#Benefits #Black #Seed #Body #Prevent #Diseases