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The amateur theater of Monforte fights against the crisis through the Internet

Since sanitary restrictions do not allow theatrical performances, The Provincial Council offers the possibility of attending a piece by the Monfortino group Teatreiras online. The YouTube channel of the vice-presidency of the provincial body broadcasts a recording of the work in full Theater and women, with a script by the group’s director, Francisca Abeledo, in which fourteen actresses participate. The work, as indicated by the Diputacin proposes an approach to the history of the theater through female characters from literary classics, fictional women who, sharing their feelings, thoughts and circumstances, vindicate the female presence within the theater..

The Teatreiras company has its origin in some theater workshops for the elderly that the Monforte City Council organized at the end of the 1990s. In 2015, the group began to participate in the Buxiganga amateur theater program, promoted by the Diputacin, premiering a new work in each season.

Last year, Teatreiras was one of the fifteen companies that took part in the amateur theater circuit of the Culture area of ​​the Diputacin, which were offered the possibility of videotaping their performances in the event that the pandemic did not allow carry them out with the public. The vice president of the provincial body and head of the aforementioned department, Maite Ferreiro, points out that this initiative has the objective of encourage amateur theater groups to continue their activity despite uncertainty about the health situation. It also points out that priority that associations and groups remain active because they are fundamental to cultural life in parishes, municipalities and counties.

These theatrical recordings, Ferreiro indicates on the other hand, generate activity and work for the self-employed and small audiovisual companies, a sector that is also suffering the consequences of the pandemic.

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