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The (almost) impossible mission of the teachers of Seine-Saint-Denis

Sophie remembers the anxiety of the first days, it was to ensure that her most vulnerable students were ” good ” confined. In particular a little girl, asthmatic, accommodated by 115 with her mother in an administrative place transformed into a dormitory for 14 mothers. Sophie quickly understood that they lacked everything. “They didn’t have enough to eat, more soap and more opportunity to do laundry. Without papers, they were afraid to go shopping… ”

Misery, Sophie knows. Teacher of schools in Seine-Saint-Denis, she saw some, students in down jackets too small who only eat one meal a day, in the canteen. But this time his concern was even more acute. The teacher struggled to get the mayor to go to the shelter to find out about the disaster. “That was it, the first days of confinement: supporting families …”

“Many parents felt overwhelmed. Between those who do not have a printer, those who work and come home late at night, those who do not master the language … These are common difficulties here that suddenly explode. “Laurent Krief, math teacher

The reopening of classes on May 11, in 93, nobody believes it. Vanessa, a teacher in Montreuil, is divided between the desire to see her students and the fear of resuming in haste: “The unsuitable premises do not allow the application of the distancing instructions, the lack of staff is common …” Even if the department has hammered since March 16 that priority is given to ” educational continuity “, many professors gave up this illusory goal very early on.

Vanessa : “There, locked up at home, everyone is sent back to their social class condition. What we build at school is precisely something that allows us to get out of this. What is exposed are inequalities. “ To a particularly vulnerable family, she calls regularly to be sure that everything is fine and not to make the parents feel guilty for not being able to “Go to school” to their son.

The feeling of being helpless, Laurent Krief, math teacher at Lavoisier college in Pantin, discovers it in the parents’ emails, like this mother who wrote to her to apologize because her daughter was unable to return her duty on time: she telecommutes and shares her only computer with her children: “Many parents felt overwhelmed. Between those who do not have a printer, those who work and come home late at night, those who do not master the language … These are common difficulties here that suddenly explode. The fear of doing wrong, the bad self-image is accentuated. ”

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