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The Almerian pater Góngora, ‘trending topic’ after being expelled from Twitter

Alvaro Hernandez

22:33 • 10 ene. 2021

If 2020 seemed like a crazy year, 2021 has started strong and between assaults on the Capitol and snowfalls never seen before, the tenth day of the year brings a peculiar story to this quiet corner of the planet: a famous priest from Almería on Twitter has become even more famous due to a question of censorship.

The father Gongora, a native of Fiñana and parish priest in Oria, has, at 32, a curious achievement: He is a full-fledged ‘influencer’ who is followed by more than 25,000 people on Twitter.

That army of followers is crying out to heaven on this cold Sunday night, to the point of elevating this priest to the category of ‘trending topic’ with the label #Patercensurado.

Indeed, the Almeria priest has seen today how the social network of the blue bird suspended his account for an alleged breach of Twitter rules.

Specifically, and as some outraged users have made known, the controversial closure of the account has come after considering that the expression “When you are a father, you will eat eggs”, used by the pater in a tweet, violates the rules of Twitter, “which prohibit abuse and harassment.”

Quickly, his most devoted followers have accused Twitter of censorship, to the point of making noise and causing this curious incident to become a trend in the social network itself: At the time of writing, it is the second ‘trending topic’ in Spain.

Another of the striking things about this unique story is that among the army of followers clamoring for freedom for Góngora’s Twitter account, there are numerous well-known names, such as those of the VOX deputies Macarena Olona, ​​Carla Toscano, David García, Víctor Sánchez del Real or the popular and controversial Alonso de Mendoza, also linked to the political party.

“They have censored a priest. These barbarians have crossed all the lines“laments De Mendoza in his tweet.



By contrast, other popular tweeters have also echoed the incident, responding to a true tweet war with well-defined sides. So it was pronounced Rubén Sánchez, from FACUA, after the closure of the Twitter account of the Almeria priest:

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