This can make you lose your head.
Despite the fact that Prince William is perhaps the most non-scandalous member of the British royal family, he also provokes rumors from time to time. Mostly the public discusses his possible affairs.
The most notorious of these was Prince William’s alleged spree in 2017 with American model and actress Sophie Taylor. Instead of fulfilling his duties and attending official events, he left his wife Kate Middleton and went to a ski resort in Switzerland. There he was caught by the paparazzi in the company of a young companion.
The romance between them was also suspected because Sophie Taylor is very similar to the prince’s wife in her youth. At that time, the model was only 21 years old. Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that Middleton herself looked very sad during her husband’s “vacation”.
However, the affair did not last long, the prince himself and all his entourage denied media reports. The heir to the throne quickly returned to London to his wife and appeared with her in society to finally dispel all rumors.