新型トライトン発表会に登壇した三菱自動車工業 代表執行役社長兼最高経営責任者の加藤隆雄氏
新型トライトンでは、新開発のラダーフレーム、シャシー、クリーンディーゼルエンジンを採用し、さまざまな天候や路面でも、安全・安心で快適な走りを実現させたという。新型トライトンの発表会には、同社代表執行役社長兼最高経営責任者の加藤隆雄氏とともに代表執行役副社長の長岡宏氏、執行役員 デザイン本部長の渡辺誠二氏、チーフプロダクトスペシャリストの増田義樹氏らが登壇してその特徴を紹介した。
今後の新型トライトンの展開について、加藤氏は「トライトンはまずタイで発売し、その後ASEAN諸国とオセアニアで着実に展開していきます。来年には、約12年ぶりとなる新型ピックアップとMitsubishi Motors Unveils All-New Triton Pickup Truck at Launch Event in Thailand
On July 26th (local time), Mitsubishi Motors held a launch event in Thailand to unveil the all-new 6th generation Triton pickup truck, which has undergone a full model change for the first time in 9 years.
The Triton is a strategic vehicle in the 1-ton pickup truck segment. Speaking at the launch event, Takao Kato, Representative Executive Officer and CEO of Mitsubishi Motors, stated, “More than one-third of our global sales come from the ASEAN region, including Thailand. This region is one of our core business areas and a driving force for growth. In addition to the new Triton, we plan to release a new compact SUV and a hybrid model of the Expander early next year. With these models, we will continue to demonstrate Mitsubishi Motors’ uniqueness and accelerate our ASEAN business.”
The all-new Triton features a newly developed ladder frame, chassis, and clean diesel engine, which enable safe, secure, and comfortable driving in various weather and road conditions. At the launch event, Takao Kato, along with Hiroshi Nagaoka, Representative Executive Officer and Vice President, Seiji Watanabe, Executive Officer and Head of Design Division, and Yoshiki Masuda, Chief Product Specialist, took the stage to introduce the features of the new Triton.
During his speech, Kato reported the positive feedback received so far, saying, “We unveiled the concept car of the new Triton at the Bangkok International Motor Show in March. Despite being wrapped in camouflage, it received a tremendous amount of attention for its powerful presence and larger, more dignified body.”
He also highlighted the heritage of the Triton, tracing it back to Mitsubishi Motors’ first pickup truck, the Forte, which was launched 45 years ago. Kato said, “This car, which means ‘powerful’ in Italian, was first released in Japan and has steadily expanded worldwide. The model name has changed from Strada to Triton, and with each change, the car has evolved. To date, over 5.6 million pickup trucks have been sold in approximately 150 countries worldwide.”
Kato emphasized the importance of the Triton as one of the most significant global models, accounting for about 20% of global sales. He stated, “With each evolution, the durability, reliability, and driving performance of the Triton have improved, making it a more desirable pickup truck. Its payload capacity, capability, reliability, drivability, usability, comfort, and safety place the Triton at the top of the shopping list.”
Regarding the future plans for the all-new Triton, Kato said, “We will first launch the Triton in Thailand and then steadily expand its presence in ASEAN countries and Oceania. Next year, we plan to release the new Triton in Japan, marking the first time in approximately 12 years. The Triton will become the most important core model for Mitsubishi Motors. As a true global strategic vehicle, I am proud to unveil this groundbreaking new pickup truck. Please experience the Triton as part of your world. Thank you.”
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