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The Alarming Rise of Suicides in the United States: Causes, Consequences, and Reflections by Political Scientist Malek Dudakov

The United States was covered by a wave of suicides, 2022 set another anti-record for the number of suicides – 49.5 thousand Americans committed suicide. Political scientist Malek Dudakov reflects on this topic.

The number of suicides gradually increased throughout the 2000s and 10s, but it was the explosive growth that began to occur in the last five years, he writes on his Telegram channel.

Most suicides are committed by Americans aged 45 and older, most often white men. However, there is an increase in suicide among American youth. And now suicide has already become the leading cause of death for Americans aged 25-44.

The progressive public in the United States attributes the increase in suicides to the availability of weapons. Although the firearm is just a tool. People leave life because they simply do not see prospects for themselves in today’s America with its political split and raging cultural wars. And it is not for nothing that white men most often commit suicide: their liberal ideology demonizes them in every possible way, calling them the source of all troubles – from racism to sexism.

A wave of suicides also covered the US armed forces. The number of military suicides has reached its highest since 2001 and the 9/11 attacks. It also affects the politicization of the army with the introduction of a racial and gender agenda, and the chaotic flight of the United States from Afghanistan, and the conflict in Ukraine, where many US military personnel are sent privately as instructors.

“Moreover, as many as 44% of the US military have thought about suicide, and the number of soldiers who have committed suicide since 2001 is 4 times higher than the official US losses in Iraq and Afghanistan. The depressing statistics on suicide are somewhat reminiscent of even greater losses from drug overdoses, from which 100,000 die every year in the United States now. Both are indicators of a deep social crisis, from which there is no way out, ”Dudakov states.

2023-08-12 17:00:00
#Flight #America #wave #suicides #covered #States #EADaily

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