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The Alarming Increase of HIV-AIDS Cases in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Written by: Muhibar Sobary Ardan
Thursday, 25 May 2023

kaltimkece.id The spread of HIV-AIDS cases in East Kalimantan has become increasingly concerning in recent years. As many as 298 pregnant women on Bumi Etam, ironically again, tested positive last year. Three of them died.

To kaltimkece.id, Head of the East Kalimantan Health Service, Jaya Mualimin, explained the HIV-AIDS case that hit hundreds of pregnant women. The 298 cases were obtained from data collection through the screening method (screening) in 2022. Out of a total of 1,354 new HIV cases found in East Kalimantan, 22 percent are pregnant women. In other words, two out of ten people who test positive for HIV are pregnant women.

“Meanwhile, the total deaths from HIV-AIDS in 2022 will be 73 deaths. Three of them are mothers giving birth. The locations are in East Kutai, Berau and West Kutai,” said Jaya, Monday, May 15, 2023.

The majority of HIV-positive pregnant women are said to be housewives. They are not drug users. Most of these mothers do not practice free sex. They are also not residents of a brothel, aka commercial sex workers. That fact is homework for East Kalimantan.

The Health Office emphasized that it had identified the problem and taken action. The Health Office is always consulted so that people infected with HIV cannot be separated from drugs and examinations. Patients must take antiretroviral therapy (ART) to control HIV infection. These drugs have been provided specifically for pregnant women.

Jaya continued, the data from the East Kalimantan Health Office had been synchronized with the program for preventing infectious and reproductive diseases for pregnant women. Handling the spread of HIV using the concept three zero. Zero The first is that there are no new infections and no new disease transmission. Zero secondly, everything that is positive cannot be left untreated. Zero Third, zero discrimination.

“The Health Office has also conducted extensive and voluntary inspections. Health clinics have been trained to handle HIV cases and report through applications,” he continued.

Academic from the Faculty of Medicine, Mulawarman University, Dr. Swandari Paramita, gave his views. According to him, the main factor in the spread of HIV-AIDS is free sex. It’s true, the virus can move through the syringe. However, transmission like this is not a large percentage. Transmission through blood transfusions, for example, is almost non-existent because the Indonesian Red Cross has strict procedures.

“Most transmission remains through free sex. Focus on education for prevention, yes, go there,” recalled Swandari, Tuesday, May 23, 2023.

Free sex, including multiple partners, is not only self-defeating. Other people too, for example those who are infected from their official partners. Hundreds of HIV positive pregnant women can be an indication.

Swandari said she was concerned about this phenomenon. He confirmed that in several cases of HIV-AIDS, individuals who did not practice free sex could also be positive. A wife can be infected from her husband or vice versa. There are also children who are HIV-AIDS positive from birth because their parents were exposed first.

“They have to bear with taking drugs for life. That’s why the government is still providing the medicine free of charge because there is already a consensus from the WHO (World Health Organization),” he continued.

Swandari continued, the treatment of people with HIV-AIDS is more emphasized on early diagnosis. The challenge is that getting an early diagnosis is not easy. People cannot be forced to check themselves. Nevertheless, several steps have been taken to increase participation in early diagnosis. For example, someone who has gone through six months of tuberculosis treatment but is not cured is advised to have an HIV test.

“There is also an obligation for pregnant women to also have HIV-AIDS checked. If HIV positive is known early, mother and child can be saved,” he explained.

Shifting Patterns of Spread

The East Kalimantan Health Office report shows that HIV-AIDS cases have increased in the last four years. In comparison, from 2012 to 2018, there have never been more than 600 new cases of HIV each year. New HIV cases have started to increase sharply since 2019 with 1,369 cases. In 2022, new cases will reach 1,354 cases. Samarinda and Balikpapan are the areas with the highest case findings. Meanwhile this year, until May 2023 alone, 362 new cases of HIV have been found in Bumi Etam.


Jaya Mualimin from the East Kalimantan Health Office said that there had been a shift in the pattern of the spread of HIV-AIDS in East Kalimantan. A decade ago, the key population from the spread of the virus was in the localization. Now it has expanded.

Swandari from the Faculty of Medicine Unmul agrees with the hypothesis. According to him, as long as activities in the localization are still permitted, the spread of the virus is easier to control. Health centers and clinics are easier to diagnose early in these areas. Handling and prevention is even faster.

“Now it’s out of control. Prostitution on the one hand is opposed. On the other hand, when there was localization, the puskesmas had a monthly schedule to go there. Screening there. But now, right, everything is closed,” Swandari said.

2023-05-25 09:32:27
#Hundreds #Pregnant #Women #East #Kalimantan #Positive #HIV

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