Home » today » News » The airports of Alicante-Elche and Manises do not have a scheduled reopening in the short-medium term | Radio Valencia

The airports of Alicante-Elche and Manises do not have a scheduled reopening in the short-medium term | Radio Valencia

The airports of Alicante-Elche and Manises continue to work to a minimum and, at the moment there is no situation that provide expand your activity. None of the phases of the desescalada designed by the government provides for the increase of flights.

Currently, the airport of Alicante-Elche, just a regular flight, of the company Vueling, with Barcelona, which operates three days a week. In the airport of Manises there is no regular flight, we have suspended all. Both airports have chartered charter flights they have to be approved by the Civil Aviation authority. According to sources of AENA, it is in the most part of flights repatriation, that is to say, with citizens of some other country that were in Spain when they declared the pandemic. So, Manises went a flight down to Italy, and from Alicante-Elche came out the other towards Oslo.

These sources of AENA ensure that, although there has constituted a working group to ensure the security measures and to provide measures that will be taken in the future, there is no concrete plan, especially in regard to scheduling of flights, as it is expected that the European Union also check measures common to all the Schengen territory unify the criteria. For the moment, the measures established in Spain to flights allowed are marked as mandatory use of masks and a maximum of 50% of the capacity of the aircraft for passengers. And, from the May 18, prohibit flights between uk airports and mainland with Melilla.

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