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The airport is speeding up, why are there no planes? The Minister of Transport reveals the reasons


Transport Minister Budi Karya Sumadi confirmed the conditions facing many airport who do not provide flight services due to unavailability of the airlines. This is because the number of aircraft in Indonesia has decreased by more than 50%.

“Indeed, this aircraft is a global problem. The number of aircraft in Indonesia has decreased from over 600, now there are less than 300. So the number does not go to 50%, so there is a shortage,” he said Budi, in hearing (PSR) Commission V DPR together with the Ministry of Transport, mentioned via the Youtube channel Commission V DPR RI, Thursday (24/11/2022).

As for fares that are said to be expensive, Budi said, the reason is that the leasing and fuel cost components account for more than 50 percent of the airline’s operating costs.

“And this is our comparison of Jakarta-Dubai and Jakarta-Singapore trips, the price is relatively 2 times as much. So this is directly proportional to what is done,” he said.

In response to this condition, the Ministry of Transport will adopt various measures. The first is control. Then the second, trying to invite different airlines interested in the area. And third, invite discussions from different countries and their local governments.

“And thirdly, we have completed several airports well. Among them are Silampari Pak Edi Santana, Pak Hamka ha Toraja, Ms. Novita has Banjarnegara Airport. We invite local governments to share it,” Budi explained.

One of the discussions conducted by Budi and the Ministry of Transport with the local government concerned the occupation or occupation of aircraft. If the occupancy rate is less than 50%, the airline will suffer losses. Therefore,

“If the plane occupancy is less than 50%, they will lose. Therefore, there is a guarantee block (purchase of plane tickets) which is done jointly by the local government,” he explained.

Earlier, in the same momentum, the chairman of the V DPR RI Lasarus Commission hinted at this problem. He highlighted the lack of availability of flight services at several airports.

“From the point of view of the Ministry of Transport, providing sufficient infrastructure, I think our airport is sufficient. The problem is that there are no planes flying. This is a problem. Maybe we will also be told later what the problem is” , Lasarus said.

According to his guesses, this could be due to low demand or expensive tickets. Lasarus said it has been contacted by many regional chiefs regarding this matter, where commercial flights were not available at the airport.

“From what I have encountered, I took an example in our area. In the past, there were at most 3 airlines, Garuda, then Wings, and Nam came in. But now there is only one Wings airline, that is 3 times per week. What I get complaints from the public is that it’s expensive. Yes, because there’s only one airline,” she said.

Also watch the video “Qatar Showcases Tropical Gardens at Hamad International Airport Ahead of World Cup”:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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