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The fastest-growing industry in the AI sector
Deepnoid Sales increased 10 timesVuno Exceeded 10 billion won
As an alternative to bio investment, you must have meaningful performance indicators.
Deepnoid’s AI medical image treatment and interpretation system is used to diagnose chest diseases. /Photo = Deepnoid While artificial intelligence (AI) medical stocks, which once emerged as a leading stock in the stock market, have not been able to avoid a slump this year, there are voices in the stock market that this is an opportunity to buy at low prices. It is expected that medical-related stocks will monetize the fastest in the AI sector.
According to the Korea Exchange on the 29th, Vuno closed at 29,050 won, up 0.17% from the previous day. The closing price on this day was down more than 41% from last year’s intraday high (49,350 won), but was up about 20% from this year’s low (24,250 won). Deepnoid’s stock price is also down by one-third from its high point in September of last year, but has jumped nearly 50% from its intraday low in August.
Securities analysts believe that medical AI companies will begin to see full-scale sales starting this year. As sales increase rapidly, it is expected that the time to exceed the break-even point will also accelerate.
In fact, Vuno’s sales are increasing as more hospitals are introducing ‘Vuno Med DeepCass’, an AI-based cardiac arrest risk monitoring medical device. Sales of 4.7 billion won in the first half of last year surged to 11.9 billion won in the first half of last year. As of the end of the second quarter, a total of 95 hospitals, including 17 tertiary general hospitals, are billing for VunoMed DeepCath. The total number of hospital beds claimed is 40,000.
Deepnoid’s sales also jumped more than tenfold, from 300 million won in the first half of last year to 4.2 billion won this year. This is because ‘Deep Neuro‘, a solution that detects cerebral aneurysms using AI in brain magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) images and assists medical staff in diagnosis, is showing successive results, including generating non-reimbursement-related sales. Last year, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and the Ministry of Health and Welfare selected Deep Neuro as an innovative medical technology through an integrated review and evaluation of innovative medical devices. 17 hospitals have introduced Deep Neuro. Deep neuro is used when analyzing brain MRA test results for patients who have given prior consent.
JLKhas begun to expand its appearance through a lung disease detection AI solution that can be used at health checkup centers. This is by supplying JViewer-X, a chest
Along with interest rate cuts, AI medical stocks are emerging as an alternative to bio investment. This is by providing a diagnostic solution that can be used immediately in the medical field rather than a new drug with great uncertainty.
We advise the stock market to pay attention to the performance of AI healthcare-related stocks. The analysis is that if meaningful performance indicators, such as passing the break-even point, emerge, the stock price will rebound.
Baek Jong-min, a researcher at Yuanta Securities, said, “The medical industry is an industry where the need to introduce AI is emphasized,” and added, “AI medical stocks are expected to grow rapidly, with many products obtaining domestic and foreign certification based on already excellent technology.” .
Reporter Ryu Eun-hyuk [email protected]