All the shops on the first floor had already gone, like all the restaurants and bars (except one), now it is also the turn of McDonald’s: at the Freccia Rossa the crisis is increasingly black. With the multiplex cinema closed for the summer break, the first floor of the city shopping center is currently completely abandoned, with the exception of a bar. To reach it, however, there are no escalators, currently cordoned off, and once you get up there is the surprise of the air conditioning turned off.
A (sad) review of the situation in the shopping center was made by the newspaper Brescia today on newsstands this morning. On the ground floor there are some shops still open – one for telephones, one for aesthetics, a hairdresser, a sports shop, and Italmark – but otherwise, everything has been closed.
The possible turning point could be in the autumn, when it will be understood if a possible new property could acquire the shopping center to transform it into an “Entertainment center”, an entertainment hub. There has already been some meeting, we’ll see if we pass from words to deeds.