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The agglomeration of Angers, champion of attractiveness according to Arthur Loyd

Posted December 13, 2022 at 8:21amUpdated December 13th. 2022 at 8:23 am

Angers ranks first among the most attractive intermediate cities, according to Arthur Loyd’s 2022 “Attractiveness and resilience of metropolises” barometer. The capital of Anjou stands out in particular in three of the four main themes of this annual ranking. Therefore, the metropolis stands out for its tertiary market and its ability to welcome companies, with a booming office real estate sector.

Angers also ranks first in the criteria of connectivity, human capital and transition, taking advantage of the strongest population growth among cities in its category.

Economically, it also benefits from major investments by Angers Loire Métropole. The community is in fact engaged in vast operations of reclamation of its industrial wastelands and major investments in its public transport network.

More than 5,000 jobs created in 2021

It is above all in the field of employment that Angers demonstrates its dynamism, with a 5% increase in the private sector workforce in one year. The metropolis indeed continued to create jobs in 2020, but continued to grow in 2021 with 5,392 net jobs created last year. A dynamism that can be observed at the departmental level where more than 8,500 jobs have been created since the fourth quarter of 2019. That is to say, an increase of over 4%, against the +2.8% average on a national scale.

“We are witnessing a major territorial restructuring in favor of intermediate cities and middle centres. Departments in these types of territories generated just 15% of net job creation over the past 10 years. Since the end of 2019, these departments far from the big cities have seen employment growth of +2.9%, a rate now higher than the French average. They now generate 42% of net job creation, a record,” says Cevan Torossian, director of Arthur Loyd’s Studies and Research department.

Thus, Île-de-France, which previously accounted for 35% of job creation, now generates only 17%.

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