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“The agenda must be awaited by all men responsible for military service”: the chief military commissioner of Kiev on the mobilization in the near future

On the eve of October 24, when 8 months have passed since the large-scale invasion of the Russian invaders in Ukraine, the TSN.ua journalist spoke with the head of the Kyiv City Center for Recruitment and Social Support (former military registration and office of enlistment), Colonel Yuriy Maksymyv. He talked about possible options and the extent of mobilization, raids to identify curfew violators, what awaits those who ignore the agenda and what the first days of war were like for him and his subordinates.

Yuri Stepanovich, what were the first days of a full-scale invasion like for you? What was the morning of February 24 for the Kiev recruiting centers?

A few days ago, as we all know, a state of emergency was introduced in the country. According to the presidential decree, we were preparing to recall the reservists for military service. They were notified, they carried out a medical examination, they coordinated matters with the military units we were supposed to send. As soldiers, we understood from various signs that the enemy was preparing. On February 24, after the enemy launched missiles and air strikes, we received a combat warning signal and alerted personnel. We have elaborated different scenarios of our actions. Our job is to mobilize human and transport resources. I immediately gave the order to the personnel to receive weapons, ammunition, to place guards and to ensure the defense of the city recruitment center, the regional center and the assembly center. I got a report from subordinates in the districts that a lot of people are gathering around the recruiting centers. These were both conscripts and reservists. The lines were very long. As they say, there was no place for an apple to fall. As a joke, I can add that the commissioner had such a dream that they call you on the phone and ask you to help get enlisted. They called me and my colleagues. People talked about queues and asked for help to give them the opportunity to defend the country. There were many women in the queue. The old men came. Not only in February, but also in March, the enemy was close to Kiev. The medical students also came with medicines, offering medical assistance in case of street fights. A young man who appeared to be 17 also came and told us this: “I know you will not take me into the army, but I did not come empty handed.” He brought “cocktails for Putin”, about 10 bottles.

From time to time there is information about raids, during which your colleagues hand out subpoenas to curfew violators. Will such raids continue?

I’ll explain why they are made. This is a joint police action with the security units of our recruiting centers in order to comply with the curfew requirements. When the first raid took place, we realized that there are many citizens who violate not only the curfew requirements, but also those of the legislation on military service and military duty. For example, citizens who were not enrolled in the military did not report to military registration and enlistment offices after notification. There is an opportunity to quickly find out information about a particular person.

Delivery of citations in shops, malls, at checkpoints: is it legal?

There are no restrictions on the place of delivery of citations. Nobody. The legislation does not specify that notification is possible, for example, only at home or work address, or in a resting place. The law speaks of notification by summons. All.

What should a person’s actions be after receiving a subpoena?

Upon receiving the summons, the military service officer must report to the recruiting center to clarify the biographical and accounting information. That is, surname, name, patronymic, family composition, home address, telephone number, specialty, place of work, there are reasons that may give the right to postpone the call for mobilization. If it turns out that there is no delay, a medical examination is mandatory. If during the examination a citizen declares illnesses and confirms with documents, he is sent to the family doctor. He, in turn, refers to a specialized specialist. Depending on the final conclusion, a citizen is recognized as eligible, or unsuitable or eligible for limited service.

If a person has received a summons, but it does not appear. What is the responsibility now?

Criminal liability of up to 5 years of imprisonment is envisaged for evading military service during mobilization.

Can they be mobilized by phone call?

Notify by phone: This is allowed, but the call itself is a legal procedure. This is the decision of the head of the TCC, drawn up with the reference order. That is, a medical examination, a professional psychological selection and conscription.

Is there a need for further mobilization?

There is a need for additional staff, additions. We have to increase our potential, build the component. We all see that our military is confidently conducting offensive operations in certain areas. Of course, we need to have a large number of defense force personnel. I believe the mobilization will continue. This is a necessity.

In March, some reservists said that people of completely different specialties fell into certain responsible units. Why have such cases occurred and what is the situation now?

So it was in the early stage of the war, and that’s understandable. The tanker picked up a machine gun and was like an infantryman, a paratrooper could enter the tank troops. But already at the end of March the staff were as they should have been.

Are there any cases where they try to evade military service, use false documents?

These are usually documents on unfit for military service with cancellation. These documents are presented at the border. I don’t know if the citizens themselves falsify these documents or if there is some kind of scheme.

Were bribes offered by those who wanted to avoid mobilization?

They offered. But it must be understood that in Ukraine there are villages burned, women raped, children murdered. Therefore, at the beginning, those who offered, excuse me, were simply sent in the clear.

There is an opposite category of Ukrainians who voluntarily returned from abroad to defend their homeland. Were there many?

There is an officer who has returned from Sweden. There are soldiers who have returned from France, our citizens from the USA, Israel, Poland, Portugal have returned to defend Ukraine. They were from Russia. These people were interviewed by specialists from counter-intelligence agencies and only after a detailed check did they enter the troops.

How will the mobilization continue further in 2023? What awaits us?

Victory, the destruction of the enemy and the liberation of our homeland await us. God grant it was in 2023. I think the mobilization measures will be implemented, this is a necessity. While we are at war, we must ensure that we have personnel not only for the defense, but also for the offensive, in order to liberate our lands.

Who will be mobilized and who should expect the agenda in the first place?

The summons must be expected by all men under the age of 60 required to perform military service. That is, those who are responsible for military service.

If Russia mobilizes 1 million people, will we have full mobilization?

We are now in the highest stage of mobilization. It can be partial or total. Legally. It could just be a popular surge. As it was at the beginning of the war: people went en masse to defend terrorism, they created detachments. I know there were a lot of people, who had hunting weapons and permits for them, they only had devices for firing rubber bullets – they all joined the terrorist defense, other units.

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