There is nothing more adorable in this world than cat and dog puppies. Seeing photos and videos of these little animals puts a good mood and makes anyone smile. They can undoubtedly become a shot of energy and good vibes and seeing them in action is one of the most beautiful sensations in the world.
Small, fluffy and very playful, you can find them up to mischief, sleeping like there is no tomorrow and enjoying the company of their cat and human relatives. If when you see the video above you have been left with more desire to see kittensBelow we have made a selection of the most beautiful and adorable photos of these pets that will end up becoming one more at home. Surely you end the gallery wanting to adopt a cat!


Two kittens hugging.

the furniture



A black and white kitten.

A kitten in a fiber basket.

Two kittens sleeping in each other’s arms.

A tabby and white kitten.

A kitten playing with daisies.

A kitten with a sad face.


Two brown kittens and one black.


Several tabby kittens in a basket.

Two kittens sleeping covered.




A tortoiseshell kitten in a funny attitude.
How to take care of a baby cat
If you adopt a baby kitten, you must take into account several aspects:
Up to two months of age they should be fed with breast milk, although after a month you can start to feed them so that they begin to experiment with food. In case they are orphans, they should be fed every 2-3 hours with special milk for kittens, which you can find in specialized stores. Eye! Never give them the cow’s milk that people drink, it could be fatal for the little one.
After two months of age, they should begin to wean from the mother and eat more often the feed, which should also be special for kittens. Many brands of cat food have proposals for cat babies.
Kittens usually sleep about 16 hours a day, so it is important that they have a comfortable resting place where they feel comfortable. They tend to like padded places and, if possible, that are a refuge for them, where they can protect themselves from the cold. For example, they tend to like igloo-type beds a lot or at IKEA they have the option of turning one of the spaces on the KALLAX shelf into their refuge. Inside you put a cushion and a blanket and they will already be the happiest in the house.
game and exercise
It is important that you stimulate your kitten and play with it so that it gets exercise, but also so that it develops correctly and gains confidence. When playing with the puppy, try to always play with his toys and not to prey on your hands or feet.
other care
Sometimes kittens find it difficult to go to the bathroom, so it is recommended that you give them a stimulating massage in the belly area, to try to help them defecate. In case they don’t get it, you can take a cloth and wet it with lukewarm water to rub the baby’s genital area.
Internal and external deworming is also important. For the intern, there are pills that can be taken after a month and a half of life. Make sure that these pills are indicated for kittens. For the exterior, you can start with some sprays from two days of life. When they grow a little more, you can put the pipettes on them.
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2023-05-28 04:14:23
#adorable #kitten #photos #video #youll #today