Home » today » World » The administrator of PNB Banka is suing the former Secretary General of NATO – Branches – Financenet

The administrator of PNB Banka is suing the former Secretary General of NATO – Branches – Financenet

Two internationally known former employees of PNB Bank will also have to answer before the court – former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and former German intelligence chief August Haning. The court has already decided to seize the property belonging to them, the LTV program “de facto” has found out.

In the first half of last year, the European Central Bank (ECB) launched a review of PNB Bank. It was already clear in the summer that it would not end well. The bank did not have enough funds. In addition, shortly before its closure, the institution was emptied even more. The bank’s board and council made decisions that caused the bank more than 32 million euros in losses and at the same time relieved the former owner of the bank, Grigory Gusenikov, of debt.

Vaka Krastiņš, the insolvency administrator of Baka, believes that nine former members of the board and council of PNB banka are jointly and severally liable for these losses. Among them are the former owner of the bank and chairman of the council, Gusenikov, his deputy, the former prime minister of Denmark and NATO Secretary General Rasmussen, and a member of the council, former head of the German foreign intelligence service Hannings.

The losses incurred by PNB Banka are related to transactions between the bank and a group of investors led by Roger Tamraz, a US citizen, which Guseļņikovs presented as the new owners of the bank before the closure of the bank. As the insolvency administrator of the ECB and later of PNB Bank noted a year ago, the bank’s rescuers were not paying their money for the bank’s shares, but were even able to borrow at PNB Bank for their own spending.

“The issuance of loans to the same new so-called shareholders has not complied with legal requirements. To the extent that they are related parties, there had to be a unanimous decision by the board to grant the loan. There has been no such decision, but the loan has nevertheless been issued. Of course, payment for these loans does not happen. There is no collateral, ”says Krastiņš.

However, this loan of EUR 559 861 to the new owners of PNB Banka was insignificant compared to the decisions of EUR 31 468 997 taken by the bank’s management shortly before the closure of PNB Banka.

It is known “de facto” from several sources that the new shareholders of the bank received shares from Guselnikov without paying for them. Instead, the new owners undertook to return the loans previously granted by the bank to Guselnikov and his family members. The bank released the pledge provided by Guselnikov, in addition to which he transferred 7 million euros intended for the hiring of lawyers to his account, but did not receive anything in return from Tamraza and the others.

“These new shareholders, when entering the bank and concluding transactions with the bank and the shareholder, have agreed that they will both secure and pay their payment obligation. At the moment, all these deadlines have passed and nothing has been paid, there is no security. Therefore, injury has also been established. Accordingly, we believe that the previous management of the bank is to blame for such actions, ”says the administrator of PNB Banka.

Last year, the administrator filed a lawsuit against the so-called new owners of the bank, and this autumn against the former members of the bank’s board and council.

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