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The adjustment does not go through caste, it goes through retirees

“The adjustment does not go through the ‘Caste’, for Mr. Caputo, the adjustment goes through the hunger of retirees and young people who are unable to find work,” he launched.

The leader of the Civic Coalition, Elisa Carrió, referred today to the treatment of the omnibus law in the National Congress and questioned the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, by maintaining that for the official “The adjustment involves the hunger of retirees and young people who are unable to find work.”

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Carrió gave his opinion through a post on the social network X (formerly Twitter), where he also congratulated the Civic Coalition “for maintaining coherence over 30 years” and considered that “this is how solid institutions are built.”

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“What no one talks about is the scandalous theft from retirees,” said Carrió in relation to the discussion on the article of the omnibus law that establishes changes in the formula for updating the assets of the passive sector.

“The adjustment does not happen through “Caste”, for Mr. Caputo, the adjustment happens through the hunger of retirees and young people who are unable to find work”concluded Carrió.

The Civic Coalition formally announced its separation from the Together for Change (JxC) structure and more recently joined the parliamentary bloc We Make the Federal Coalition, led by Miguel Ángel Pichetto.

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