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The actress María Galiana will receive the Patio de Comedias Award

The Patio de Comedias de Torralba de Calatrava has hosted tonight the presentation of the cultural program for this season. The XI National Festival of Theater and Puppets and the Cycle Music in the Patios are the main banners of a cultural offer that includes a total of 24 events with music, theater and puppets.

Representatives of the Municipal Corporation, local associations and collaborating entities Friends of the Playground, as well as representatives of the sponsoring companies Globalcaja Foundation, Goldsmith Orovio de la Torre and Trapero Supplies, have attended this event.

The mayor of Torralba, María Antonia Álvaro, has pointed out that “after twelve years of activity, we have made Torralba a theatrical point of reference in our country along with other great theater festivals with a long history, without forgetting that we are a municipality of some 3,000 inhabitants who are committed to culture and to the enhancement of our heritage”.

The actress María Galiana will receive the Patio de Comedias Award

In the same way, he highlighted that this year’s Patio de Comedias Award will go to the actress María Galiana, for her entire career and contribution to the performing arts.

To finish, Álvaro thanked all the companies and institutions that collaborate with the Theater Festival and remembered the people who are fans of the theater and subscribers to cultural programming who have died in these two years. The mayor concluded by stating that “Torralba opens its doors to anyone who wants to be captivated by music, by theater, and also by our town, our streets, our gastronomy and its people.”

For his part, the Councilor for Culture, Luis Blanco, explained all the details of a program “of quality and available to all, where music, dance, theater and the circus converge with the aim of continuing to promote the arts performances and culture in our town”. Blanco has highlighted that this year the Patio de Comedias returns to normal, with full capacity.

The president of the Amigos del Patio Association and member of the La Teatrería group, María Antonia Murcia, has pointed out that both groups are closely linked to the development and cultural revitalization of Torralba and the Patio de Comedias.

Murcia has indicated that this year there will be exhibitions that accompany the theatrical productions, as is the case of the sample ‘Sins and virtues’. He has also pointed out that more than 60 playwrights from different parts of the world and long-standing authors have participated in the 1st Dramaturgy Contest for rural areas, whose prizes will be awarded on July 28. After announcing other activities that will take place this summer, he thanked the City Council “for giving us a place in the design of this program.”

Finally, the coordinator and programmer of the Culture Area, Jesús Antonio González, recalled that “the presentation of this program is the result of many months of work and effort and we only hope that it will be to everyone’s liking”.

The event ended with a performance by the Manchelos group and a wine tasting.


The programming of the Patio de Comedias will start on June 25 with the start of the Cycle of Music in the Patios, which will run until July 17. On Saturday 25th, in the Patio de Comedias, BVocal will offer the musical show ’25 years a cappella’, while on Sunday 26th June, in the Plaza de San Antón, ‘Concerts in the neighborhoods’ will take place, by the Friends of Music Association.

On Friday, July 1, Veleta Roja will offer the public ‘Sounds that count’ and on Saturday, July 2, it will be Rita Barber’s turn with ‘More than Fado’. Both concerts will be in the Patio de Comedias.

On Friday, July 8, in the Patio de la Ermita, the Duo Patricia Gonzalo and Adrián Fernández will offer the performance ‘Una voz de cine’ and on Saturday, July 9, in the Patio de Comedias, the Ofman Company and Estudio Zarzuela will perform the zarzuela ‘The one with the bunch of roses’.

The program continues on Friday, July 15, in the Plaza de la Villa, with the show ‘Leyenda flamenca’ by Eva María Copla. On Saturday, July 16, in the Patio de Comedias, the Santísima Trinidad Choral Association will offer a concert, while on Sunday, July 17, in the Plaza de la Villa, the Amigos de la Música Infinity Association will offer the show ‘Rewinding. The best pop of the 80’s.

All performances will be held at half past ten at night, except ‘Concerts in the neighborhoods’ and ‘Rewinding’, which will be at ten at night. At this same time, the two performances that will close the summer cultural program and that will take place in the month of September will also take place. On the one hand, the Dangerous Friendships concert, which will be on September 10 at the Plaza de Toros and, on the other hand, the zarzuela concert offered by the Amigos de la Música Association and the Santísima Trinidad Choir Association, in the Plaza de the Ville.

XI National Festival of Theater and Puppets

From July 28 to August 20, the XI Patio de Comedias Theater and Puppet Festival will take place. The program will kick off with the awards ceremony for the 1st ‘Campo de Calatrava’ Playwriting Contest.

On Friday, July 29, the La Zaranda Company will stage the play ‘The Battle of the Absents’, while on Saturday 30th it will be the Ron Lalá Company that will entertain the public with the play ‘Villa y Marte’.

On Thursday, August 4, the Festuc Teatre Company will present the play ‘The Marvelous Lamp’ and on Friday, August 5, the Perigallo Theater Company will stage the play ‘Heads of the Poster’. On Saturday, August 6, the Malaje Solo company will perform the play ‘Lope que te parió’.

The program will continue on Thursday, August 11 with the play ‘Parade, the braves’ circus’, by the ‘La Maquiné’ Company, while on Friday, August 12, the Pentación Espectaculos Company will perform the play ‘¡Viva la Pepa !’. On Saturday, August 13, the Compañía Producciones Lastra will stage the play ‘Yo voy soñando camino’. On this day, the Patio de Comedias Award will also be presented to the actress María Galiano.

For its part, the local company ‘La teatrería’ will represent the play ‘El parte de Talía’ on Sunday 14 and Monday 15. On Friday, August 19, at the Paseo del Cristo, the Barrilete Puppet Company will stage the play ‘The Magical Onion’ and on Saturday, August 29, the Festival’s finale will be performed by the Vaiven Producciones Company with ‘Yo, la worst in the world’.

All the activities of the Theater Festival will take place at half past ten at night in the Patio de Comedias.

Tickets will go on sale from Tuesday, June 14 on the globalentradas.com website. They can also be purchased from June 11 to September 21 at the Patio de Comedias box office, from Tuesday to Saturday, from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. and from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m., and Sundays and Holidays from 12:00 to 14:00.

As usual since the beginning, there is a percentage of capacity reserved for season tickets. The price is 30 euros and a 50% discount will be applied to the purchase of one ticket per show. The term to renew the 2019 subscriptions will be open from June 14 to 17. For its part, from June 20 to 24, the period for the purchase of new season tickets will open in the event that there are still seats available. In both cases, they have to go to the Culture office in the Town Hall.

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