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the actor who never left

For 20 years the presence of Alberto Mayagoitia on television it was a frequent occurrence. His work in melodramas such as “Poor youth” (1986), “Light and shadow” (1989), “Health, money and love” (1997) or “As in the cinema” (2001) is remembered, but suddenly his activity in this medium he stopped and he disappeared from the public eye. However, the actor assures that he has never left the stage.

“I am still an actor, I will continue to be an actor my whole life and I have not retired. I am at full throttle, I am 52 years old; I am in a moment of financial stability in my life, I can afford many things, I have savings. I feel that what Mayagoitia has to give for the rest of her life is still a lot ”.

Whoever was considered one of the most promising young talents in the 80s, He returned to public life when he began a short season of the play “My broken Christ”, first via streaming, on March 27, and in person and streaming on April 1 and 3 at the Coyoacán Free Air Drive-in Theater, via Eticket .

Also read: “My broken Christ” can be seen via streaming

“This work does not return me to acting, because the one who returns is the one who has left and I have not. I stopped working on television for various reasons, one of which is because my wife Lilia Sixtos and I decided to live in the United States since 2005 and in the city where I live there is not much production, at least on television, because it is not Miami, it is not Los Angeles. The fact that they have not seen me on television in recent years does not mean that I have retired, retired or stopped being an actor, I was simply doing other things.

Among those things is your work as an Amway promoter (direct sales platform), personal finance educator and other business activities, which, although they have taken up his time, have not completely taken him away from acting thanks to this play.

I am not one of those who speak of a miraculous conversion: Alberto Mayagoitia

Alberto explained that when he turned 33, he wanted to give a gift by recording a disc of poems and declamations, so he went to a friend who had discs of this type and it was there that he came across the story of “My broken Christ”, in an acetate from 1963 that curiously had a gift stamp from the newspaper EL UNIVERSAL for subscribers.

“I put it on, listened to it, and then I changed my mind, I forgot about the poems and the declamations. We recorded the album trying to give it a more contemporary declamation style and some time later we began to work on making a theatrical presentation, then another adaptation came, not from the album but from the two books of the father Ramón Cué”.

Mayagoitia pointed out that for 18 years he has gone to various parts of the Republic and part of Latin America with this work, with which he has already about 800 performances; However, due to the pandemic, he contemplated the possibility of presenting it via streaming and Gerardo Quiroz decided to produce it not only for digital platforms, but also in the mode of self-theater.


Despite this, the actor does not consider himself a very religious person, because although he comes from a Catholic home and his basic education was carried out in Catholic schools, he assures that he exercises his religion as the average person does.

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“I don’t consider myself the most committed, or the most dedicated, or anything; I’m not one of those who talk about a miraculous conversion, that the truth appeared before my eyes in an extraordinary way, I don’t have to have gone through a life or death process, or something like that, and that when I was 36 years I had a heart attack and I saw her close. Mine is a relatively normal process, attached to what I learned in the catechism in junior high and high school, I would not profit by inventing a story that way ”.

Thanks to the fact that things have been very successful with this play, Alberto hopes to continue performing it for the rest of his life.

Alberto Mayagoitia, vetoed by Azteca and Televisa?

On whether there was a veto by the two large television companies in Mexico, Azteca and Televisa, and this influenced their departure from the country, Mayagoitia explained that it is not the case, simply it was because of his decision to emigrate and dedicate himself to commerce, not because he did not have a job.

“But I definitely went to the list of those not hired at Televisa when I went to ask for a job at TV Azteca, then the years passed there and I couldn’t return to Televisa. Right now I don’t have a job in either of the two, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t look for it and that they won’t give it to me if there is a will on both sides.


The actor assures that among his intentions this year is to resume his artistic career on television in Mexico, without leaving his work as a financial educator and now even youtuber, although this implies starting from scratch, distributing photographs and going to auditions.

“This is not a problem, because I am a great act, because I have talent, because my video of Soy México reminded me, because if someone had forgotten it was me; because what Mayagoitia did there is enough for someone to raise their eyebrows and say, this condemned must be hired ”.

Despite the fact that his channel was opened since October 2011, it was from when the Covid-19 pandemic that the actor began to generate more content for YouTube. Although he has just over 3,400 subscribers, that doesn’t worry him.

“I upload my financial intelligence capsules, some reflections and things about choices that I tear from life, which are in a certain way a complement to my presence as a businessman, to the business things I do; I have not taken a peso from YouTube yet, I am not one of those who monetize, I do not have the large number of followers that I would like to call myself youtuber, “he said.

Even so, he was surprised by the good response that his video “Soy México” had, which he uploaded to his channel on September 16, 2020, which brought him only good comments from Mexicans inside and outside the country and that is about to reach 190 thousand visits.

“I am not saying that it is viral, but for me personally it served to reinforce my acting career and before the public, in addition to showing myself what I am capable of.”


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