Home » today » World » The actions of the authorities in the Republic of Macedonia show that a Ukrainian scenario is not at all excluded in the Balkans – 2024-02-24 02:35:20

The actions of the authorities in the Republic of Macedonia show that a Ukrainian scenario is not at all excluded in the Balkans – 2024-02-24 02:35:20

/ world today news/ The latest “incidents” in North Macedonia surrounding the physical violence against Bulgarians, it is high time to sober up the entire Bulgarian people about what it is about, what is happening in these old Bulgarian lands and what dangers are lurking in our homeland from the southwest.

Perhaps the parallel with what is happening in the northeast – the bloodshed in Ukraine will clarify the thinking of many of our compatriots. I hope they see through and see the real cruel reality as it is, and not as the media presents it to us.

Because the situation between the Republic of Northern Macedonia and Bulgaria is increasingly reminiscent of the situation in Ukraine and Russia, albeit on a much smaller scale.

Many Bulgarians still don’t understand why Russia attacked Ukraine…especially the younger ones. They condemn the military aggression against “independent Ukraine” and against the Ukrainian people.

Also, many people in our country do not understand the dispute between Bulgaria and the so-called “Republic of North Macedonia”.

In both cases, we are faced not only with ignorance of history, but above all with the results of a long-standing propaganda whose command post is neither in our country, nor in Macedonia or Ukraine. It was this propaganda that led to the absolutely inadequate understanding of the situations in both Ukraine and Macedonia.

What is it about? Why do a large part of today’s residents of Ukraine hate Russia and the Russians, and a large part of the residents of Macedonia hate Bulgaria and the Bulgarians?

In order to achieve this in both Ukraine and Macedonia, the leaderships (controlled by external forces, of course) resorted to the age-old method of attributing to the population some fictional racial and ethnic superiority over the neighboring nations, supposedly for the purpose of consolidation and self-affirmation.

It does not really matter that Macedonianism was invented and tolerated by Serbia, and Ukrainian nationalism – by the West, more recently – by Great Britain and the USA.

In both cases, it is about the same thing – to create and consolidate a non-existent nation and declare it to be something more than its neighbors.

In a similar way, Hitler consolidated the Germans by imputing to them that they were Aryans – supermen called to command the rest of the subhumans. Anglo-Saxon propaganda has worked in a similar way for centuries. Both draw experience from the Jews, who declared themselves to be God’s chosen people in ancient times.

This is what happened with the biggest enemies of Ukraine and Macedonia – Russia and Bulgaria, respectively. The Ukrainians had to declare themselves more than the Russians, and the Macedonians – than the Bulgarians. In both cases, there was talk of the most unscrupulous theft of the neighbors’ history.

I have been to Ukraine quite a few times. For the first time in 1980, and for the last time – in 2009. I have been to almost all of eastern Ukraine – Donetsk, Mariupol (Zhdanov), Odesa, Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk… Never before 1992 have I heard a bad a word about Russia. I have never heard anyone speak Ukrainian anywhere in these areas. The mass of inhabitants did not differ in any way from the Russians, nor did they consider themselves different. The train journey from Kiev to Moscow, apart from the distance, gave a similar feeling to the journey between Sofia and Varna.

It is important to know that Eastern Ukraine has been within the Russian Empire and then the USSR since 1654.

I have also been to western Ukraine. It’s a little different there. For many years, these lands were part of Poland, the Habsburg Empire, and even Romania. Only in 1939 did they become part of the USSR. Several nationalities have always lived there, and a significant number of people define themselves as Ukrainians and speak the Ukrainian language.

The term “Ukraine” itself is a Polish toponym and comes from “at the end” of their country.

Only since 1991 has there been an independent state of Ukraine within its current borders, which has never existed before, since the Ukrainian SSR was part of the USSR.

In recent years, and especially after 2014, the situation has radically changed. Ukraine embarked on the path of creating a new identity of its own, based largely on extreme nationalism, a fictional history, and the rehabilitation of controversial figures such as Stepan Bandera.

The powerful propaganda campaign during these years reformed the minds of millions of Ukrainians, and the main thing was to hate Russia. Thus even relatives began to hate each other.

The thesis that Ukraine is the real RUSSIA – one of the cradles of European civilization – and Russia is some kind of “Moscow”, an Asian uncultured despotism created by Tatar-Mongols, which appropriated Ukrainian history, was imposed in the curricula.

According to modern Kievan education, Ukraine and Ukrainians from the very creation of Kievan Rus were a “European state” and a “European people”. After its collapse at the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century, this state did not merge into the Moscow principality in the northeast, but in the Galicia-Volhynia principality in the west, and then “merged” with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Inevitably, this policy led to a reshaping of the minds of millions, especially among the younger. The Russian language was limited, a different history began to be taught, and the favorite line for everyone who sympathized with Russia was “suitcase-station-Moscow”. It also reached such extremes as the burning of people alive in Odessa. Russophobia became a national doctrine.

Russia had no choice but to respond to this and in 2014 the annexation of Crimea and the 8-year-long war with the breakaway Russian-speaking regions of Donetsk and Luhansk (Voroshilovgrad) followed.

Western interests were apparently behind all this “total change” and it was carried out with Western intervention. Ukraine was to become the biggest “thorn in the heel” of Russia – the age-old geopolitical enemy of the Anglo-Saxon candidates for global masters. After all, it also led to the current war.

Now let’s go back to the Balkans and look to the southwest of Bulgaria.

I have also been to Macedonia quite a few times. I have many friends there and, I hope, an objective view of the social processes near Vardar.

The Republic of North Macedonia gained independence from the disintegrated Yugoslavia also in 1991. Like Ukraine, it has never been an independent country, if we do not count the Hellenic ancient Macedonia whose history ends in the very distant year 168 BC. The ancient state, however, has absolutely nothing to do with today’s RSM. It’s like comparing today’s Egypt with ancient Egypt.

Just like Ukraine, several large and several smaller nations live in Macedonia, with the Bulgarians being the most numerous.

Unlike Ukraine, where there are still people who consider themselves Ukrainians and speak the Ukrainian language, in these lands the “Macedonian nationality” and the Macedonian language were invented and imposed only after 1945. The Macedonian Bulgarians, at the cost of rivers of blood and tons of ink, were reformatted into a new people – Macedonians.

And there, as in Ukraine, a new history based on the distant past was invented. Near Vardar, they declared themselves the heirs of the ancient Macedonian state of Philip and Alexander. The inhabitants of today’s Republic of North Macedonia, according to their historians, were the descendants of “ancient Macedonians” and the mythical hero “Macedon”, who were melted by Slavic tribes in the 5th-8th centuries, but managed to pass on their high culture to them. Thus these Slavs became “Macedonian”.

According to the textbooks in Skopje, Glagolitic was the work of Saints Cyril and Methodius to “easily Christianize the Macedonian Slavs around Thessaloniki”, and Saint Clement of Ohrid is presented as speaking “Old Slavonic” and the founder of the “Macedonian Church”.

Macedonian textbooks also say that King Samuil is the founder of the Macedonian royal dynasty. He, together with his brothers – David, Aaron and Moses, raised an uprising against Bulgarian power in 969, rejected it and created a Macedonian kingdom.

In Samuil’s state it was written in the “Macedonian Slavic language”.

According to this “science”, today’s Macedonians were (as well as Ukrainians) among the creators of European civilization. However, wouldn’t you say, from the east came the barbarians of Turko-Tatar origin, who called themselves Bulgarians. These unenlightened savages stole the history of the great Macedonians and harassed them to this day, because Bulgarians are a priori barbarians, murderers, chauvinists, fascists, etc.

And even if the sham actions in Skopje, with Hellenic plasterboard palaces and statues of who-not, would cause a derisive smile in any moderately intelligent person, many Macedonian citizens believed in their “ancient great origin”.

The main thing is that there, as in Ukraine, everything was based on hatred – this time towards Bulgaria and the Bulgarians.

And in Macedonia, as well as in Ukraine towards Russia, any pro-Bulgarian manifestation was punished. And in Macedonia, as well as in Ukraine, in relation to everything Russian, the Bulgarian was chased or destroyed.

As a result of the two reformatting operations, today we have an identical situation – both in Ukraine and in Macedonia, first cousins ​​hate each other, the common past is denied, millions live fed on hatred. The carnage in Donbass is a glaring proof of how far brainwashing can lead.

It also shows us something else – a fratricidal war is easily provoked today.

The events in Ukraine should remind us that such a conflict may knock on our door…God forbid. They didn’t decide – they didn’t beat us. There are plenty of examples in history. We do not know what plans the masters of chaos are making, we do not know what scripts are being written in the hundreds of think tanks of the great powers. However, we know from history that “divide et impera” – divide and conquer, has always been a favorite strategy of the big geopolitical players.

In this sense, it is good to remember another Latin wisdom – Si vis pacem, para bellum (If you want peace, prepare for war).

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