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The ACPM Study Reveals Dominant Sources for Accessing Professional Media Channels in 2023

The ACPM has just published, at the request of 5 information titles (including CB News)* covering the fields of media, marketing, advertising and communication, the 3rd edition of its study carried out by MRCC on dedicated professional media. We learn in particular that between 6 and 7 channels are used on average to access the professional press. Unsurprisingly, the newsletter dominates the debates (99% vs 95% in 2021) ahead of the media website (95% vs 84%), social networks (93%), the magazine (75% vs 50% in 2021). ) and the podcast (63% vs 30% in 2021). Almost the entire panel surveyed (99%) considers that consulting this type of professional press is important in the context of their profession vs. 97% in 2021. According to the Top 3 of usefulness, finding out about life in the sector is on the top step of the podium (97%) ahead of Spotting innovations (96%) and understanding the issues (94%).

On the readership side, the study highlights “decision-making profiles”: 69% are part of general management or department management while 77% purchase or advise on choices of marketing solutions (vs. 66% in 2021), 67% intervene/arbitrate on creative briefs or even advise on a media choice or buy space (65% vs 55%).

In this context, to the question “what sources do you consult the most?” », CB News is in second place in the sector, behind Stratégies but ahead of The Media Leader, Influencia, the media section of Les Echos, Minted and even Marketing and its website.

Methodology: study carried out between November 7 and December 4, 2023, on a total of 654 professionals in these sectors surveyed by the MRCC institute. Requesting titles: CB News, Strategies, The Media Leader, Marketing and Influencia.

2024-01-29 18:35:30
#News #essential #professional #news #press

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