hope: with the rain thatcould be impacting and thegarbage accumulation ofsome prayers, the question isHow can you see your healthaffected by these bad smells.we are not born with Alejandrocodis, who went out to investigatehow harmful exposed tothese oxic gases.Alejandro: as harmful as thediseases that canlittle animals, which look sadfor this kind of trash.look at the makeshift garbage canof is. innaalso everything is getting worse,because the strong wind makeslet the garbage fly for everyonesidesOn the streets of Staten Islandgarbage trucks likethis pass.they rarely do.the animals are looking formeal.fatal, on Sunday they picked upthe garbage, there are people throwingtrash by the highway.Alejandro: They even carry morefrom a week to there.>> it’s uncomfortable, you can’tlive there, alldiseases to come.respect.alejandr since the mayorfrom new york even thevaccination mandate formunicipal workers,complaint garbage not collected arefour times more than before.de blasio assumes that many do notthey are working.when the command enters nceltrash, a third, nothey could work for not beingvaccinated, so thesituation was getting worse.businesses like these come inyour sales are affectedbecause it seems to the persondisgusting to stand in front ofthe showcase to see the smells andbad eyesight is this garbagein front of theseestablishments.really disgusting. byfortune we have a companyprivate which is the one that collects.alejandro: establishments aíthey invest a hundred dollars tothrow away your waste, butthe neighbors of the area cannotafford.this is the panorama that they live.maybe they don’tthey wanted to pick up the weight, butthen we saw other streets and thetrash is the same.Alejandro: many sayprefer workersmunicipalities of new york nothey are vaccinated and thatrequire coy testsfrequent.They have given you some explanationbecause the garbage is in allsides?no.alejandro: and Staten Islandwe are in one of the most areasaffected, but south ofBrooklyn and Northwestbronx claim to be livingthe same hell.half an hour ago, a truck oftrash picked up what was inthat basket, but there is foodthat they are completely castto lose. if you want to reportthese lumps of trash, grabyour cell phone and scan the odeqr, there you will be able to have everythingthe information to do the