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The accounts of an extraordinary year

The year 2020 has been the most exceptional in decades remembered; The pandemic caused the practical paralysis of the sacramental activities of our parishes and caused our institutions to turn to care tasks, while the extreme generosity of the faithful has caused that there was not a great difference compared to the previous year.

In the worst moments of confinement, the Christian people of Córdoba have shown their commitment to the Church and to the urgent needs that arose in relation to those most in need; For this, by the technical means that were enabled, our parishes, fundamentally, could be close to those who suffered the most. In addition, the different diocesan institutions have made an enormous effort to contain spending, postponing needs not linked to people and prioritizing all care.

Without a doubt, the most exceptional circumstance of the year has been lived within our parishes; These have had to turn to healthcare work, cutting back on everything related to current spending and in anticipation of the tasks that must be undertaken this year due to the consequences of the pandemic. All this effort to contain spending has achieved that the parishes obtain a positive result of more than 600,000 euros, which compensates the losses of previous years: 103,226.06 euros in 2018 and 398,730 in 2019. And it allows the parishes to face the assistance needs of 2021 and the obligation to face the repayment of loans in temporary default.

In the consolidated data of all diocesan entities, the total income amounted to 22,145,070 euros, with expenses of 21,577,113. Income was maintained in terms very similar to those of the previous year, being very significant in terms of voluntary contributions from the faithful, with a minimal decrease of 80,000 euros. The exception, directly attributable to the pandemic, is the sharp decrease in income due to the sacraments and diocesan activities, with a fall of 1,400,000 euros, from 4.2 to 2.8 million euros. Exceptional income from sales of assets, inheritances, etc. also falls by more than 300,000 euros, the highest amount of which also corresponds to the Diocesan Common Fund itself. Regarding the expenses chapter, there is a global decrease of more than one million euros, due to the austerity implemented in the face of the unpredictability of the situation; for almost six months, non-healthcare activity was practically stopped.

Pastoral activities and maintenance expenses and ordinary costs were affected; however, more than 7.6 million euros were earmarked for pastoral activities; of which 3.47 million went directly to the care of the needy.

The expenses of mere operation and repairs reached 5.2 million; Lastly, the programs for the rehabilitation of temples and dependencies reached 2.4 million. In this chapter, we must insist on the high cost that the maintenance of the ecclesiastical patrimony implies, especially from the Bishopric itself, which will have a special impact on its budget for 2021.

Regarding the Diocesan Common Fund, income was 9,798,911 euros, compared to expenses of 9,345,056 euros. In the income of the Bishopric, the direct contributions of the faithful are lower than in the rest of diocesan institutions, representing only 2.78%. And it is in this institution where the so-called tax allocation is entered, with 43.61% of total income.

The true consequences of the pandemic affect the Bishopric this year; For this 2021, a deficit of 741,625.12 euros is planned. And this because the expected income will drop 24.34%; on the contrary, expenses will only go down by 12.73%. Expenditures on pastoral and welfare activities are planned for a value of 1,837,297 euros, while the rehabilitation works of temples and rectory houses will amount to 1,927,244 euros. This effort could not be carried out without the positive outcome of 2020, which is fully reinvested in such pastoral and reparation activities.

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