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The absence of the “red tsunami” … “What is happening now defies history”

Lindsey GrahamTuesday evening, which were his party’s mid-term results "Disappointing so far"considering it "Definitely not a Republican wave"in an interview with the network "NBC" American.

The results were still circulating at the time Graham made his comments, but the results of Democrats in a race Senate In New Hampshire, Virginia’s Seventh Congressional District and other major polling stations, he indicated that hopes of the Republican Party in "red tsunami" It was not successful.

Graham was particularly frustrated with Don Boldock, a New Hampshire Senate candidate that many founding Republicans feared would be "Too hard" To the point that it prevents him from winning the elections. Graham thought about it "A mistake may have been made".

He added: "I think (the results) will be around 51 and 52, when the last word is pronounced and it will be all over (the races) in the Senate.".

He also expressed optimism about the Republicans’ chances of success "The remaining battles" In the Senate, in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia and Wisconsin.

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mid-term elections "not defender"

For his part, an adviser to former President Barack Obama commented: David Axelrodon the voting trend so far, the results of which continue to defy the expectations of the republican red wave.

She said"CNN": "It’s more than just looking at the candidates, it’s definitely part of it, but what’s happening now defies history".

He continued: "If things continue to go in this direction – there are races in the West that we still have to wait for – but if things continue as they are now, this will not be a normal midterm.".

Axelrod continued: "We were talking about whether things would go the right way, and if the usual thing happened… the president’s support rates are low and the economy is in bad shape, so the rival (Republican) party will make significant gains.".

He added: "But the question is, will other factors be considered? Such as militancy and (former President Donald) trumpThese are the factors that make these mid-term elections extraordinary".


The Republican senator admitted Lindsey GrahamOn Tuesday evening, in an interview with the American network “NBC”, he said that his party’s medium-term results have been “disappointing so far”, considering it “certainly not a Republican wave”.

The results were still circulating at the time Graham made his comments, but the results of Democrats in a race Senate In New Hampshire, Virginia’s Seventh Congressional District and other major polling stations, he indicated that hopes of the Republican Party The “red tsunami” was unsuccessful.

Graham was particularly frustrated with Don Boldock, the New Hampshire Senate candidate that many founding Republicans feared was “too tough” to win the election. Graham said it was “possible that a mistake had been made”.

He added: “I think it will be (the results) in the range of 51 and 52, when the last word is said and everything (the electoral races) will be over in the Senate.”

He also expressed optimism about the Republican possibilities of “remaining battles” in the Senate, in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia and Wisconsin.

mid-term elections

For his part, an adviser to former President Barack Obama commented: David Axelrodon the voting trend so far, the results of which continue to defy the expectations of the republican red wave.

“It’s more than just looking at the candidates,” he told CNN. “It’s certainly part of it, but what’s happening now defies history.”

He continued: “If things continue to go in this direction – there are races in the West that we still have to wait for – but if things continue as they are now, these will not be normal mid-term elections.”

And Axelrod added, “We were talking about whether things were going to go right and whether the usual thing would happen … where the president’s support rates are low and the economy is in bad shape, so the rival party ( Repubblica) will make important gains “.

“But the question is: will other factors be considered ?, such as militancy and (former president Donald) trumpThese are the factors that make these mid-term elections extraordinary “.

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