The devil is seen in the details. And there is evil in what is silently happening in our country. Where in a few months the guiding principle of our healthcare has been overturned, a perfect synthesis of care and social services for the weakest. The weak are the elderly, the non-self-sufficient, people with a chronic disease (from diabetes to autoimmune, and beyond). And the key to the government’s actions seems to be their abandonment.
The world of research is mobilizing to save the National Health Service

The Plan for the Elderly
A story that begins with the usual trumpeting, the announcement of an enabling law for policies in favor of the elderly population (approved in January 2023) and to this day a dead letter. Beautiful law (legacy of the work of an ad hoc commission commissioned by the Draghi government) which overturns the perspective and thinks of a management of the elderly focused on assistance at home, on improving their living conditions, on health services close to them.
Health: Don’t forget that you have rights
by Daniela Minerva

Where by elderly we mean all citizens over 70 years of age, many. Such an undertaking involves a lot of money and the ability to radically change the entire organization. Instead, there isn’t a penny in the budget law.
There is, on the contrary, a demagogic and “dust under the carpet” measure: 850 euros per month to those over 80 years old and seriously ill and disabled; in short, a reimbursement for the carer, a kind of parking that does not improve anyone’s life, on the contrary: it establishes the status quo of abandonment of the most needy.
Why don’t we know where and how to cure ourselves? Politics responds
by Donatella Zorzetto

Vaccines and the flop of their diffusion
Just like the ’23-’24 vaccination plan, a flop sought by the Government. The ministry’s guidelines recommend anti-Covid vaccination to frail and elderly people, over twenty million Italians. And 12 million doses have been purchased for three years, covering around 60% of those to whom it is recommended, and they are already few.
Tumors: why patients do not have access to new drugs
by Daniela Minerva

But everyone is talking about a flop because just over two million Italians have been vaccinated. It’s the fault of the delay in the delivery and distribution of the vials, of the always haywire booking portals, of the fact that family doctors and pharmacies were not involved (or it was done too late), and that patients at risk were not called. A constant guilty sinecure, to which has been added the complacency towards anti-vaxers.
#abandonment #fragile
– 2024-04-09 01:35:18