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“The 80/20 Rule: A Simple Way to Stay Fit and Healthy for Summer”

Summer is approaching, and of course we all want to appear as fit as possible in our bikini. Is that why you have planned a strict diet for yourself? That is not necessary at all! According to fit girls all you need to do to get and stay fit is to follow the 80/20 rule.

Healthy lifestyle

Do you get stressed out when you see numbers in an eating rule? No worries, you really don’t have to weigh your plate of pasta down to the milligram. The 80/20 rule is much simpler (and less strict) than it sounds. It means that you eat healthy eighty percent of the time, and you are allowed to ‘sin’ twenty percent of the time. Loved by many fitfluencers, the rule was created to create a healthy relationship with food. Don’t eat almost nothing for a week and then stuff yourself with all your guilty pleasures so, only one healthy lifestyle without being too hard on yourself. Sounds good, right?

Every meal

How you use the rule in your diet is completely up to you. For example, you can choose to apply the rule to every meal by making most of it healthy and a small portion slightly unhealthy. For example: you make a breakfast with cottage cheese, granola and fruit – for the most part healthy ingredients – but top it off with some chocolate sprinkles. That’s how you eat super healthy, but do allow yourself to enjoy a little. Win win!


You can also spread the rule over the day, for example by keeping the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) healthy, to create a little space in between to snack on something unhealthier. Are you an all-or-nothing type and can’t stick to one block of chocolate? Then you can also choose to eat completely healthy six days a week and have one day a week left on which you (almost) only ‘sin’. It’s just what you like and what you think is easiest to keep up. The choice is yours!

Bron: Girlscene | Beeld: Mean Girls

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