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The 7 best vegetables for heart patients, simply steamed

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Food habit also affects Health heart. There are several health foods heart which can be consumed, including one vegetables.

There are many vegetables for heart sufferers. Mainly green vegetables.

To collect Eat this, not thata meta-analysis published in JRSM Cardiovascular Disease found that one of the best vegetables for heart disease are leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables.

These vegetables contain good fiber, antioxidants and potassium. Spinach, for example, is rich in vitamins A, K, C, iron and folate. While cabbage is rich in vitamins B, C and calcium.

Researchers studied 13 studies investigating the association between green leafy vegetables and various cardiovascular events. As a result, consuming more green vegetables can reduce the risk of cardiovascular events by 16%.

This study also found that the benefits obtained will be maximized if they are transformed into green vegetables by steaming them.

So what are vegetables for heart patients? Here are some green vegetables that may be an option.

1. Cabbage

Kale is known as superfood. This food has important nutrients for maintaining heart health. The main ones are nitrates which help increase blood flow.

To collect Health center, plant nitrates turn into nitric oxide which dilates blood vessels and opens arteries. As a result, more oxygen-rich blood moves to the heart muscle.

2. Spinach

Illustration. Spinach, one of the vegetables for heart patients. (Istockphoto / chengyuzheng)

Spinach is rich in various vitamins and essential nutrients. Spinach is also high in potassium. The amount of potassium in spinach is even higher than that found in bananas.

The American Heart Association notes that potassium helps relieve stress on blood vessel walls.

Additionally, potassium also plays a role in helping get rid of excess sodium which can increase fluid retention in the body. In this way, the heart does not have to work harder.

3. Swiss chard

Swiss chard can meet your daily vitamin K requirement and provide a variety of essential nutrients for brain, bone and heart health.

Low vitamin K levels have been linked to increased calcification in the arteries, which makes them stiff. A good supply of vitamin K keeps arteries flexible and keeps blood pressure in check.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and antioxidant compounds. When consumed, antioxidants can reduce the risk of cardiovascular events by fighting exposure to cell-damaging free radicals.

5. Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are rich in folate, a nutrient that plays an important role in heart health. Folate works by lowering an amino acid called homocysteine.

High homocysteine ​​can damage the lining of blood vessels and increase the risk of blood clots. This condition can increase the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular events.

6. Pakcoy

Not just anticancer, pakcoy can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Chinese white cabbage contains folate, many vitamins and is rich in calcium.

7. Beans

Beans illustrationIllustration. Beans, one of the vegetables for heart patients. (Neha Deshmukh)

Beans are high in fiber and folate, which are beneficial for heart health. Beans are one of the vegetables for heart patients that can be used as an option.

Not only that, beans also contain various nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C and a compound called lutein.

According to a study published in the Journal of Hypertension, vitamin A is believed to help fight inflammation and prevent hypertension through its antioxidant properties.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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