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The 6 news of the week: the waltz of trainers in Jeep Elite, Céline Dumerc makes the fun last

Did you not follow the daily news of French and international basketball this week? Don’t panic, writing Basket Europe summarizes the essentials of what not to miss from March 14 to 20. In summary, the imminent and future changes of coaches in Jeep Elite in Pau, Bourg and Dijon, but also the surprise extension of Céline Dumerc at Basket Landes or the end of Asvel’s adventure in the women’s Euroleague.

Jeep Elite: Laurent Vila, Eric Bartecheky, Laurent Legname, Kyle Milling, Savo Vucevic… The trainers’ waltz

Three and a half years later, Eric Bartecheky is back on the bench at Pau, where his first stint was successful. He immediately replaces Laurent Vila, who leaves his successor with a Béarn team in great danger (17th, 3 wins, 12 defeats). Evidenced by the rant of Jérémy Leloup, unhappy with the way in which this change was announced in the locker room.

Another important change, this time for the 2021-2022 season, Laurent Legname will leave JDA Dijon at the end of the year for JL Bourg, where the current coach, Savo Vucevic, will not take part in the new cycle of the Bressan club. We already know the name of the successor of the Var technician in Côte d’Or: it is Kyle Milling, who had already succeeded Laurent Legname in Hyères-Toulon in 2015.

Women’s League: Céline Dumerc finally extends the adventure of an additional season at Basket Landes!

Huge surprise this week in the Women’s League! Basket Landes announces the extension of Céline Dumerc for an additional season. According to the club, the French basketball federation (FFBB) has agreed to extend the transition period which should lead Cap’s to become full-time general manager of the Bleues.

Women’s Euroleague: more French clubs in contention after the elimination of the women’s Asvel in Sopron in the quarter-finals

Heavily beaten in the first leg against Sopron (94-66), the women’s Asvel straightened the bar on the return (62-75), for honor, in the Hungarian bubble. The last French representatives in the 2020-2021 Euroleague version, the players of Valéry Demory do not avoid elimination with an overall defeat of 156-141 in the quarter-finals. Sopron is thus qualified for the Final Four with Ekaterinburg, Fenerbahce and Salamanca.

For his part, Charleville clearly dominated the Swiss team of Friborg (85-56) in the quarter-finals of Eurocup. The Carolo Flames are qualified for the Final Four (April 9-11) where they will meet Valence, which eliminated Villeneuve d’Ascq.

Definitive end of amateur championships and massive club aid plan

The health crisis continues to seriously affect the country and has resulted in the suspension of indoor sports activities for adults and minors for many months. It forces the FFBB to take the decision to definitively stop all of its amateur championships for the current season.

Jeep Elite: Orleans offers Dijon but loses two executives due to injury

Double whammy for Orleans. In its great victory against Dijon, 2nd in the championship (74-69), the OLB lost Darius Johnson-Odom, victim of a ruptured Achilles tendon, and LaMonte Ulmer, who suffers from pneumothorax with detachment of the pleura. The first will not play at the end of the season and the second will be unavailable for four to six weeks. Despite very good results since taking over Jeep Elite and qualifying for the semi-finals of the Coupe de France, the club is looking for a medical freelance writer.

Leagues, clubs and organizations take action against discrimination

As part of the week of education and action against racism and anti-Semitism, professional sports leagues unite to fight all forms of discrimination within their sport. The National Basketball League (LNB) is associated with this operation by affirming its commitment in all venues. The Limoges CSP also took over the operation by completely modifying its visual identity. Her outfits created for the occasion will be worn during all home games in March. For its part, the Euroleague published a 27-minute long-format against racism, entitled “Table Talk”.

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Photo: Céline Dumerc (Basket Landes)

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