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The 6 mistakes not to make when cooking potatoes

Not everyone knows this but many have bad habits when cooking potatoes. Let’s see the 6 mistakes you shouldn’t make when cooking potatoes. Before delving into the mistakes not to make in order not to undermine our potato dish, let’s take a look at what types of potatoes we know. Well, there are really many varieties of tubers, each with a specific texture and flavor.

How many potatoes do we know

It is no mystery that when you go to do the shopping you are faced with an infinite variety of potatoes. With difficulty in choosing. The most widely consumed are white-fleshed, ideal for mashing, because they are floury and rich in starch. On the other hand, when we have to prepare french fries it is better to choose the yellow ones because they are not floury and compact. Another potato that we often find in the supermarket is the red one with a strong taste and rich in nutrients.

On the other hand, those who eat potatoes in their skins after cooking them in a pan or in the oven, prefer the new ones. Last but not least the purple potatoes, small and lumpy, with a delicious flavor when boiled, often used to prepare gnocchi and gnocchetti. After having seen which tubers are most commonly consumed, let’s see what not to do in the preparation phase.


The 6 mistakes not to make when cooking potatoes

First of all, each potato has its own cooking, so you don’t have to cook them all the same way because it would be a waste. The second mistake not to make is to cook sprouted potatoes because they contain high levels of solanina. Those who are not too familiar with cooking make an unforgivable mistake: to save time, they put the potatoes in the water directly, without rinsing them. The reasons for not doing such a thing are all too obvious. If only because the potato is born and grows underground, so better clean them first.

Another step not to take is peeling raw potatoes. Better to cook them first in boiling water and after a few minutes kept to cool, remove the skin with simple gestures.

The hot water dilemma

Many people, unknowingly, make the mistake of starting cooking potatoes only when the water is boiling. Error: the thermal shock causes the tuber to crumble and pulp. Therefore it is better to place the potatoes in cold water and wait for it to boil. Within 20 minutes the potatoes will be ready and to be sure of cooking just prick the pulp with a fork and test the consistency. Finally, the cooking water remains.

Many have the malpractice of throwing away the cooking water from potatoes. Instead the water can be used for other uses: such as for washing floors. So from today we don’t make the 6 mistakes not to commit when we cook potatoes.

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