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The 6 cheapest variable mortgages of the moment

Although there are mortgages a fixed rate still attractivethe variable mortgages are the great bet of the bank, lowering their differentials to the minimum of the real estate boom due to the rise in the Euribor.

These products can be a good option for those who do not mind subjecting themselves to the fluctuations of the Euribor, the index to which most of these credits are referenced.

Also because they believe that the Euribor will not rise too much and that the European Central Bank (ECB) may cut the price of money if the economy is in danger of entering a recession.

In this ranking, finanzas.com It has not only taken into account the differential of the mortgage on the Euribor, but also the related products to achieve it, since the more products, the more expensive the final cost of the mortgage.

The cheapest variable rate mortgages

One of the cheapest is the variable-rate mortgage marketed Kutxabank. The spread over the Euribor is 0.64 percent. In addition, the link is affordable with three linked products: payroll direct debit, life insurance and hiring a pension plan with an annual contribution of 2,000 euros.

In terms of commissions, the leader in the ranking of variable mortgages has no opening commissionbut yes of early amortizationwhich can range between 0.25 percent the first three years and 0.15 percent from the fourth and fifth.

Other alternatives would be the variable rate mortgage open benchwhich assumes the appraisal costs, and which is marketed with a spread over the Euribor of 0.70 percent.

Regarding the link, it requires direct debiting the payroll and contracting home insurance

So much Evo Bank as Coinc They have two mortgage loans with a spread over the Euribor of 0.75 percentalthough in the case of the former, it requires direct debiting of the payroll and taking out life insurance, while Bankinter’s digital bank does not require any type of connection.

BBVA and ING mortgages are also among the best

The mortgages they sell both BBVA and ING are among the best since they apply a spread of 0.79 percent on the Euribor, but they do not demand, in return, a lot of bonding.

In both cases they require three products: payroll direct debit, home and life insurance.

To this we must add that the Dutch bank, in addition to bearing the appraisal costs, allows the loan to be repaid in 40 years.

The most expensive mortgages via bonding

Banco Santander and Ibercaja have the most expensive loans if the relationship is taken into account.

In that sense, despite having a differential over the competitive Euribor, 0.77 percent in the case of the entity chaired by Ana Botín, and 0.75 percent for the entity of Aragonese origin, they require between 8 and 6 linked products respectively.

Banco Santander requires the direct debit of payroll, spending on cards, life and home insurance and home energy certificates, among others.

For its part, Ibercaja conditions its differential to the direct debit of payroll, receipts, spending on cards, insurance and contracting a pension plan.

What does the mortgaged future have to take into account?

According to Kelisto, the comparator of mortgage products, there are several aspects in which the mortgaged future has to be fixed.

Apart from the differential and the link, the commissions, above all, those of opening and early repayment, since in the end it can make the mortgage loan more expensive.

As well as the minimum income required: las cheapest variable rate mortgages They are usually designed for clients with very high incomes.

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