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the 6 billion promised by Olivier Véran does not convince all the social partners

One month after the launch of “Ségur de la santé”, negotiations on the salary increases of hospital staff are entering their final streak. The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, must announce Monday, June 29, the amount of the envelope intended to increase the salaries of hospital practitioners. Wednesday 1is July, the day after a new day of mobilization of hospital staff, he should specify how he intends to distribute the 6 billion euros promised on June 24 to non-medical staff (nurses, nursing assistants, administrative and technical staff, etc.). ) public hospitals and nursing homes, but also, in part, the private sector.

The sum, which does not include new investments also promised by the Head of State, is substantial. Unmatched by what had been put on the table in previous plans in favor of the sector, it should be divided between a net salary increase, changes in the scales and a redesign of premiums.

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“This sum corresponds to what we expected for the public hospital, do we explain to the French Hospital Federation, the structure that represents public establishments. The subject, from now on, is the most intelligent distribution possible in order to respond to the issue of fair recognition of staff and the issue of attractiveness. ”

If Laurent Berger, the general secretary of the CFDT, estimated Thursday that this sum was “A good starting point, a good point of support”, the other union organizations judged that the account was not there. “Six billion is not serious, we must go very clearly beyond”, points out Patrick Bourdillon, federal secretary of the CGT-Health. The organization, the first in the sector, proposed a global plan at 57 billion euros, including nearly 32 billion for compensation, all categories and all types of establishments combined. “If the government does not put 15 billion on the table right away, it does not make sense”, estimates Mr. Bourdillon.

“Eye powder”

“It’s going to be extremely complicated”, abounds Didier Birig, the negotiator for FO, regretting that the envelope promised Wednesday by the Minister plans to include – without further details at this stage – revaluations for the staff of the private lucrative and non-profit, nearly 500,000 more employees. “Just to give everyone the 300 euros of immediate revaluation that we ask for, we would need 9 billion euros”, he calculates.

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