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The 5h news – Violence against police officers: “Their work pays off and it shows”, assures Darmanin

Calls for the murder and rape of police officers on a board that offered awards to authors were discovered Friday on the walls of a building hall in Savigny-le-Temple in Seine-et-Marne: “Cut off the head of a police officer for a bonus of 500,000 euros” or “Burst the police with Kalashnikov blows for 100,000 euros “. Tags of incredible violence, lamented Gérald Darminin.

The Minister of the Interior went on site, Sunday, October 31: “These insults always occur the next day or two days after strong interventions” police, recalled the minister who thanked the work of the agents mobilized. “Their work pays and it shows”, he added, specifying that these events will not discourage the deployment of the police on the territory. “We are even going to add more,” said Mr. Darmanin..

He also encouraged the police to continue their interventions on deal points in Seine-et-Marne. “I grew up in a working-class neighborhood and I don’t want to forget that the vast majority of residents want to live peacefully,” said the minister. “I thank the police for intervening in these difficult conditions,” he concluded.

An investigation has been opened for threat to a person holding public authority : it was entrusted to the departmental security.

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