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The 50 who make Chartres: they bring more green to the city

Patrick Violas
Founder of the zoo-refuge La Tanière

Animal cause

The Eurelian self-made man became in 2019 the figure of the defense of the animal cause in Chartres. Born from his slightly crazy dreams and his unwavering determination, the zoo refuge La Tanière, located in Nogent-le-Phaye, welcomes animals from farms, circuses, laboratories … The successful entrepreneur (he has experienced success in telephony and then remote monitoring) has invested 22 million euros in this structure, intended to provide monkeys, elephants, bears, sea lions, horses … a retirement home as well as a nursing home. The zoo-refuge covers some twenty hectares, near the La Renaissance educational farm that Patrick Violas opened in 2009.

Patrick Violas: itinerary of a Eurelian self-made man

Pierre Mazahéri
L214 local referent

Animal causes (bis)

Pierre Mazahéri is the referent for Chartres of the very media association for the defense of animals L214. Since 2018 and the creation of the Chartres branch of L214, which advocates veganism and anti-speciesism, he locally embodies the face of the fight against the abuse of farm animals. We often see him wearing the famous orange windbreaker, since he sets to music the actions, often spectacular and sometimes disturbing, of the association founded by Sébastien Arsac and Brigitte Gothière. He was a candidate for the animalist party in the 2017 legislative and 2019 European elections.

In Chartres, the L214 association is mobilizing against intensive chicken farming

Hackerspace and citizen space

The third place that combines high-tech and ecology

We know the association more for its technological dimension. BetaMachine also carries the culture of eco-responsibility in its DNA. Object repair workshops, pallet transformation workshops, Airélien air pollution measurement kit, basketry, shared gardens where the objective is to collectively experiment with ways of cultivating in permaculture … Through these workshops, the association puts into practice its values ​​of popular education, ie “learning to do by oneself, for oneself and with others”, summarizes Pascal Gauthier, the founding president of BetaMachine.

BetaMachine lends you fine particle sensors in Chartres

Emmanuel Tardy
Wildlife photographer

He defends nature by magnifying it with his device

This lover of spaces and wild species travels the world to “hunt down” the most beautiful specimens through the lens of his camera. Since 2001 and an encounter with whales in northern Quebec, this amateur photographer (he is a commercial executive in Chartres in the “civilian” sector) has been increasing his photographic expeditions to the four corners of the planet. His passion for wild flora and fauna is coupled with a desire to protect them. He regularly defends local species in his monthly column in L’Écho Républicain. “I use photography as a form of graphic communication. Unlike oral or written, it is universal, ”he wrote in one of his columns. Several of his black and white photos have captured the attention of international competitions.

Emmanuel Tardy’s black and white has caught the eye of international juries

Célia Coulon, Marie Gitton and Céline Guillard
Founders of Zero waste Chartres

They say no to waste

These three Chartraines have decided to tackle the scourge of waste. Together, they aim to create a real dynamic of zero waste (in English) throughout the city. Their idea is to “germinate an awareness of the seriousness of the problem”. They regularly organize walks to collect plastics and other garbage left in nature by careless walkers, or workshops to learn how to make your own cleaning products, inform and encourage traders to accept the packaging brought by their customers. … They would also like to support local businesses in their waste reduction approach. Do not throw any more!

An association takes action to develop the zero waste approach in the agglomeration of Chartres

Geraldine Sellès

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