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The 5 reasons why Juntos por el Cambio opposes judicial reform

Since the president, Alberto Fernandez, presented his project of judicial reform, Together for Change rejected the proposal. The opposition alliance argues that the initiative is “untimely, unnecessary, expensive and of dubious constitutionality.”

In general, the draft it aims at the unification of the criminal and correctional jurisdiction with the economic Penal of the City, which will have 46 courts; the merger of the Federal Civil and Commercial fueros with the Administrative Litigation of the City, the elevation to 17 of the trial courts; and the opening of 94 federal courts in the country.

It will also seek to create 85 new positions for prosecutors and 23 defenders and will aim to create the sub-grant system. This Tuesday, the Senate will hold the third hearing on the bill that the National Executive Branch sent to Congress. Through videoconference, the Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, will participate.

Cornejo said that JxC will not debate the judicial reform if it is virtual: “We are intransigent”

But from the opposition they seem to remain inflexible. Before the growing criticism, this week the senator of the Frente de Todos Maria de los Angeles Sacnun it enabled the members of its bloc to request modifications to the judicial reform project required by the governors, although without distorting “the main lines” of the initiative. “The proposed changes will be analyzed, we will make them to provide improvements. But we will not incorporate changes of senators who, later, end up voting against,” Sacnun said in statements to the newspaper The Capital of Rosario.

The opposition has already announced that they will not enable remote debate and everything indicates that they will block the treatment of the initiative. Here, a score with the main arguments that Juntos por el Cambio uses against it.

  • From Together for Change they say that the objective “is to control justice”

This was argued days ago by the Radical deputy, Luis Petri when responding to the Chief of Staff Santiago Cafiero: “Explain to me why the sub-agencies are in Comodoro Py and not in the interior, or why it will be the National Chamber of Appeals who makes the lists ”, He expressed in his networks. “Also, why if the idea is to improve justice and speed it up, why do we increase the number of judges instead of increasing the number of prosecutors since the investigation is in their hands and, therefore, the speed of the processes” , concluded Deputy Petri.

  • They emphasize that the creation of 23 courts in the federal criminal jurisdiction with seat in the City “lacks scientific foundation”

The argument is that “in 2019 156 cases were entered, 115 were results, 41 are pending, and each court received 13 causes of corruption from the State on average.” In this sense, they stated that the appointment of interim judges, as planned, “affects the independence and impartiality”, among different indications.

On this point, they argue that “there will be no faster processes and sentences”, since it is not a question of “an organic reform plan”, but the “excessive and expensive creation of judicial charges” under severe “inconsistencies”, which makes “Unreasonable to create more federal courts with the current design”, when in two years “at most the accusatory system must be working.”

Judicial reform: amid criticism from the Justice and the opposition, the Executive seeks to advance the project

  • Question the budgetary cost of changes

In a recent statement, the technical teams of the three parties that make up the opposition front analyzed the possible budgetary impact of the project. “323 positions are created (judges, prosecutors, defenders and officials). Only from the salaries of the aforementioned positions, the approximate annual cost is $ 1,703 million. To this must be added the necessary investment in infrastructure estimating an approximate cost of $ 1,211 million; plus an approximate technology of $ 122 million “, they expressed.

“This results in a minimum amount of $ 3,037 million, a figure necessary to be able to implement the project. Spending this magnitude in times of severe economic and social deprivation does not seem like a reasonable policy. Likewise, it is not known what the source may be. of financing when the budget of the Judicial Power of the Nation currently only reaches to cover the salaries of the month of August “, they added.

  • They reject the appointment of Carlos Beraldi and León Arslanian as members of the Advisory Council

Days ago, legislators and opposition leaders presented a criminal complaint to President Alberto Fernández, for a possible crime of “abuse of authority” by the appointment of attorneys Beraldi and Arslanian as members of the Advisory Council that will advise on the reform. It maintains that the President of the Nation “violated current regulations” and the interpretation made by the Anticorruption Office and the National Treasury Attorney when deciding to advance in the nomination of Beraldi and Arslanian.

Losardo: the objective of judicial reform is that “judges can work more quickly”

“We do not know the reasons why Dr. Fernández decided to choose, among all the specialist lawyers, with academic and professional experience, to choose just two people who represent in criminal trials no less than the Vice President of the Nation, in one case, already a former high-ranking government official of the current Vice President ”, they stated in the judicial presentation.

  • For the opposition, “judicial reform should be dealt with in face-to-face sessions”

This was expressed this week by the president of the UCR, Alfredo Cornejor, who revealed that the forces that make up the Juntos por el Cambio front “have already notified the head of the Chamber of Deputies about this,” Sergio Massa. Given this, Cornejo argued: “We all believe that judicial reforms must be made but we suspect with ample precedents that this is not the way. Neither this particular law nor the commission that is being created to modify the Court and the Magistracy Council. And the pompously called Judicial Reform Law is actually the creation of 300 new positions for new judges and judicial officials that the government is going to appoint. “

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