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The 5 most common cyber threats to companies

22. August 2024

Companies today face a multitude of cyber threats that can compromise their security and integrity. Study determined which five types of cyberattacks are causing companies the most concern – we provide an overview!

1. AI-assisted attacks

With the advance of artificial intelligence, the methods used by cybercriminals have also evolved. It is not for nothing that AI-based attacks are at the forefront of the threats that companies are greatly concerned about.

Such cyberattacks use machine learning and other AI techniques to bypass defense mechanisms and make attacks more precise and effective. Companies are particularly challenged to continuously adapt their defense strategies.

2. Advanced email phishing attacks

Phishing remains one of the most common threats to businesses. In particular, advanced email phishing attacks that target specific companies or individuals are on the rise.

These attacks attempt to trick users into revealing confidential information by using emails or websites that look deceptively real. Companies must therefore regularly train their employees on cybersecurity to identify and defend against such threats.

3. Advanced ransomware attacks

Ransomware also remains one of the most dangerous threats to companies. Advanced ransomware attacks that encrypt data or entire systems are still a serious problem. Companies are often forced to pay large ransoms to regain access to their data. This can not only lead to financial losses, but also have a massive impact on business continuity.

Especially in the case of a ransomware attack, companies are often left stranded – experts usually have to step in to rescue those affected from this situation. Sophos, a leading global provider of Cybersecurity solutionsin his MDR Casebook.

By the way: In this article There are important tips on how companies can protect themselves through smart measures to prevent cyber attacks from occurring in the first place.

4. Internal attacks

Internal threats, whether caused by malicious or unintentional actions by employees, are also a serious risk. Such attacks can come from dissatisfied employees who intentionally cause damage, or from those who provide opportunities for attack through careless behavior. Companies should therefore not only take technical measures, but also promote a strong security culture.

5. Compromise of business emails

Another common threat is the compromise of business emails. In these attacks, criminals aim to compromise email traffic within companies in order to initiate unauthorized transfers or data transfers. This poses a significant risk as such attacks are often difficult to detect and can lead to huge financial losses.

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