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The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman: A Guide to Understanding and Expressing Love

Quill pen / Sakun Bunyathat

“I consider that the thing that creates the most value for our humanity is “Love”..a beautiful thing that comes from the heart gently and delicately..We all believe that..the touch and taste of love is the spirit of reflecting the divine meaning..through words. ..which is considered a “love language” that confirms the feelings of love..for each other of all mankind.”

This is the point of the beautiful meaning of “love language” that is related and appears in the book of feelings. “Being loved”..

“The 5 Love Languages” is a work written by “Gary Chapman” (Gary Chapman)..Dr. who is also a writer. Talk show host and also an expert in giving love advice with long experience… able to generate a lot of sales..

It is said that..each person..has a different way of expressing love..which contributes to misunderstandings..because they think that the other party doesn’t love them… “Gary Chapman” said something important about showing love: “People express love in many different ways. The important thing is that you should know and understand what your partner’s love language is.”

The 5 love languages ​​(The 5 love Languages) consist of symptoms.. Express your love by showing your love”..by expressing your feelings..through words, compliments, and support.. “Show your love by giving a gift..”..with the realization that..it doesn’t matter what that gift is..but it depends on understanding. and empathy that is coated behind that gift..

“You must express your love by touching”..consider being close and touching the body. It is not always the intention of having sex.. or even to provide comfort while in a state of sadness.. just consider it as an expression of closeness… to the lover.

“Showing love by caring and caring” or helping and doing something..consider it a small matter..it’s something your lover can do himself..

And.. “Show your love by spending time together.” This means that couples have quality time together..even if it’s only a few minutes, but it should be spent between each other.. The most valuable.. 3 things you should know about love (3THING TO KNOW ABOUT LOVE) “Love means responsibility”..please don’t just argue with each other..let each side be willing to apologize first..it will be counted as something. the best.. “Love is a verb”..that is, if and when. That we wish for love to last. It takes effort and true intention to create.. *Love is satisfaction..” ..we must give importance to it. and fulfill the desire of love..to be safe..

8 KEY INSIGHTS 5 LOVE LANGUAGES (5 LOVE LANGUAGES) *Love is not all we want..it is not our only need..in fact we also desire safety. Giving importance and appreciating one’s own worth..love is what will make these aspirations..able to help fill our lives with meaning..

*Find your own expression of love…what kind of love do you show to your partner? that you realize that it is indispensable.. and what.. makes you believe that.. you get the most meaning from your partner../ at the same time.. try observing the couples that are your friends For..how they think and love each other..

*Love craze..is considered romantic in the beginning..you will feel lively and nervous at times..will be happy when spending time together..even You may overlook the flaws in your partner. Which will be in the period of 6-24 months..

*Men often misunderstand the expression of love..they often misunderstand that..the use of physical contact is an expression of love..or if at any time the “Nonsexual” is not consistent or in accordance with your needs..it means that..it might not be an expression of love for you either..

*Welcome to the real world..that is to say. When the time of crazy love is over..the couple will enter the reality of living together..which requires intention..actions will no longer depend on feelings. Next..but it depends on your decision..unconditional love..

*If showing love to a couple..is not natural to you..then try to learn and begin to get to know their love gradually..soon you will feel more natural.

*Can you love a spouse who doesn’t love you? It may seem difficult .but it’s possible You will need to use both effort and patience..to build a strong relationship..but there are many cases where love can win the heart of the other person..


*Children..show love as well..if you try to observe, try to observe the children..how they respond to various situations. We will find out if we ourselves have shown love to them in a consistent and appropriate way or not. When our children’s love-craze ends, they will enter the reality of living. together..which is something that requires intention..because..from now on..any action will no longer depend on feelings..but it will depend on decision. “Unconditional love”

It is said that people always have a bucket of love. Tank) is in the heart..which can be filled..and can fade as well..in fact, people often yearn for love from others to fill this tank..therefore..when the tank If we are full..we will be happy..we will be successful in life..so that we can give good love to our lovers and those around us..but if we lack love..life may The decline can be revealed as “wrecked”..

When we get to the point…we can review ourselves and our love to see if we are speaking the same love language? It’s that he or she doesn’t know that love at all.

“Your husband might want to hear some encouraging words from you..but you might also feel like encouraging him by cooking him something delicious..or.. Maybe your wife is looking for you to spend time with her..without the kids. Or is the computer competing for your attention? And you don’t understand why she isn’t excited about a big bouquet of flowers. You bought it to surprise her”..

This is like the source of inspiration for the book, which is like the secret to long-lasting love.. distilled from experience. of counseling for couples for more than 30 years by “Dr. Gary Chapman”

which is an important part in making this book published 10 times continuously..until it is a book that influences the contribution Many married couples have had the opportunity to learn how to express their love for each other in ways that the other person can recognize.. including knowing how to keep the love in their marriage gentle and fragrant. Sweet and long lasting forever..

This book will make us think about good thought processes about love. ..which is difficult to forget in life It is the memory that is both our happiness and our sorrow that sticks.. Having a conscience about love is the light of the beautiful mind and wisdom that always embraces our hearts..

“Being loved is something..and being loved is everything./Friendship is love minus sex. And add additional reasons..as for love It’s friendship plus sex. And remove the reason/..men tend to fall in love with the person they are..attractive to, and women fall in love with the person they fall in love with./Love is visible to the eye. But feel it with your heart/You will know that you love him..only when you want him to be happy..even if that happiness means..that you are not a part of it/..if you If you love someone..tell them. .Don’t hesitate..or you will lose your chance./..Don’t marry the person you can live with..but marry the person you can’t live without../..Love is like wet cement. The longer you stay, the more stuck you become.. you can’t go anywhere. .without leaving any footprints behind../Men fall in love with their eyes..but women fall in love with their ears/..The main sadness is living life without love..but it would be equally sad that Will leave this world..without telling the person you love “I love you”/..it only takes a second to say “I love you”..but it takes a lifetime to. Shows how much you “love”/When you love someone..don’t be sorry for the things you’ve done..but be sorry for the things you haven’t done../and..in the end..that loving It is risking that..you will not receive love in return..Hoping is a state of risking pain..To try is to risk failure. But no matter what, you have to take risks.. because the most dangerous thing in life is “not risking anything in life”..

All of these concepts that have been mentioned..are allegorical substances that reflect the inspiration from the prototype of “Gary Chapman’s” precious book of love.. “The 5 Love Languages” (The 5 Love Languages) )..Every book that is read always gives the power of love to arise in the heart..It is the truth that the world of meaning is built on the foundation of the truth that is filled with beautiful and profound imagination. and valuable

It is a book..of all thoughts that come from pure and true love. “Kanok Bannasan” has translated this book with purpose.. and full of power that can create feelings of deep love for love.. even more..

“We all always have the seed of love within ourselves..Understanding and seeing love in various forms..will help close the gap of misunderstanding and be able to see the “love language”… ”

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