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The 44-year-old will answer to a juvenile court

To brutal murders in Jeńki near Bia³ymstokiem it happened on October 23, 1989. The bodies of 9-year-old Janusz and his 11-year-old sister Monika, who the day before went missing while playing after school were found in the forest. They were covered with needles and the murderer tied a rope around the girl’s neck. Investigators suspected that the perpetrator had first attacked and raped an 11-year-old girl who was walking alone in the woods, and when her brother appeared nearby, he also murdered him. The investigation was discontinued in June 1990. They were re-started 18 years later. Then, a year before the statute of limitations for the case, which was dealt with in the X Archives, two men were arrested at the request of the prosecutor’s office in Łomża. They both came from the same poviat where the murdered children lived years ago. prosecutors Office She did not give details of the detention then.

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Policemen from the “X Archives” led to the arrest of a suspect in a murder from 23 years ago.

Murder in Jeńki. The alleged perpetrator is to answer to a juvenile court

Now the District Prosecutor’s Office in Łomża has informed that the alleged perpetrator is a sibling’s neighbor, Dariusz K., who was then 13 years old. It was him and his father Jerzy K. who were arrested in 2018 (they were released after interrogation) – they were near the crime scene because – as they testified – they were replacing the wheel in the tractor trailer. – The interrogation was like I have to confess because I will be busted in prison. And I say “for what?”, Give me some evidence. They have nothing, no proof. I was tested with a lie detector. People were asked if I had murdered this girl, and later about this boy, Januszek. And it was without reservations – he said shortly after that in the conversation with Polsat the older man, father of Dariusz K.

According to “Gazeta Współczesna”, after two years of collecting evidence, the District Prosecutor’s Office in Łomża has no doubts.

All the workshop material collected during the investigation indicates that the perpetrator of the criminal act consisting in the rape of the girl, as well as the murder of both children, was an inhabitant of the village of Jeńki, who was then a minor. He was 13 years old. All materials were transferred to the juvenile family court in Wysokie Mazowieckie

– he said in an interview with “Gazeta Współczesna” Prosecutor Rafał Kaczyński supervising the investigation. Thus, he confirmed that the alleged perpetrator is to answer in the juvenile court, because “Polish law does not provide for criminal liability for a person under the age of 15”.

As he added, investigators have at their disposal evidence in the form of testimonies of witnesses, psychological expertise, polygraph tests, trial experiments and visual inspections. The 44-year-old is at large, but he has not heard the charges, because due to a legal loophole, he is not even a suspect. The highest penalty that can be imposed on him by a family court is a reformatory – but he will not go to this, because the age limit of people admitted to this type of institution is 21 years. Father Dariusz K., Jerzy K., was not charged.

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