Home » today » Entertainment » The 43rd Logroño Theater Festival offers 21 performances of theater, dance and music between October and November

The 43rd Logroño Theater Festival offers 21 performances of theater, dance and music between October and November

This was stated on Monday by the Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Logroño, Carmen Urquía Almazán, who, together with the director of the Bretón Theater, Jorge Quirante, presented the program of the event, “which will present some of the most national scene”, in addition to three international shows.

This Festival, said the mayor, “offers a total of 21 theater, dance and music performances, which represent a selection of the best of this year’s theatrical production in our country”, while highlighting these three international proposals, ” such as ‘The one & The one’, a Franco-Austrian co-production; ‘Feste’, by the German company Family Floz; and the Italian dance show ‘Don Juan’, by the National Dance Foundation of Aterballeto “.

In this edition, he commented, “large format shows and extended cast coexist, such as’ La infamia ‘,’ Rif (Of lice and mustard gas) ‘,’ Don Juan ‘and’ Very bad disease and very sad death of Queen Elizabeth. I ‘; with others of smaller format but of great interest from different creators “.

Among these, in particular, he cited the production ‘How we got here’, interpreted and directed by Andrea Jiménez; the Franco-Austrian co-production by Anna de Lirium, ‘The one & The one’, or ‘El retablillo de don Cristóbal’, by the Nao D’Amores company, also directed by another creator, Ana Zamora.

The 43rd edition of the Theater Festival, highlighted the Councilor for Culture, “presents very different themes, current and with a strong social impact, such as ‘La infamia’, which tells of the kidnapping and torture of the Mexican journalist and human rights defender. Lidia Cacho or ‘Rif (of lice and mustard gas)’, on the drama of the war in Morocco “.

Along the same lines, he pointed to ‘Tribute to Billy the Child’, “which deals with the use of violence during the Franco regime; the play ‘To end Eddy Bellegueule’, on bullying; and ‘Dados’, which addresses the gender identity. The latter two “will have a special function addressed to the students of the Baccalaureate respectively on October 17 and November 14”.

The program, underlined the director of the Breton theater, “also includes comedies, such as ‘The kidnappers of Lake Chiemsee’, directed by Mario Gas; ‘Feste’ or ‘Vive Molière’; and includes two dance performances: ‘Il son’ by Daniel Abreu’s company (National Dance Award) and ‘Don Juan’ staged by the Italian company Aterballeto, with a fantastic choreography by Johan Inger “.

In addition, he added, a musical show, “Desconcerto”, by Ortheis, the new Ampurdán Chamber Orchestra, has been scheduled, which won the Feten Award 2022 for the best musical show.

The festival offers a mini-cycle dedicated to the English writer and political activist, Nobel Prize for Literature in 2005, Harold Pinter, with two works: ‘Return to Home’, directed by Daniel Veronese, and ‘The Caretaker’, directed by Antonio Simone.

Jorge Quirante pointed out that this program includes “the flawless work of young companies that are stimulating current theatrical creation, such as La Calórica, LaJoven, Ventriculo veloz, Nao D’Amores and A Panadería; along with works by companies of the caliber of National Drama Center, Spanish Theater, Barrio Theater or Abbey Theater and Kamikaze Productions.

In the same way, he indicated, it welcomes the most relevant figures of theater direction: Israel Solá, Mario Gas, Ana Zamora, Daniel Veronese, Andrea Jiménez, Claudio Tolcachir, Pascual Rambert, José Padilla, José Luis Arellano and José Martret.

Likewise, it will be possible to see works by creators such as Ruth Sánchez, Jessica Belda, Nerea Pérez de las Heras, members of A Panadería, Ana Zamora and Olga Iglesias, who are bringing new and interesting perspectives to current productions.


The sale of full tickets opens from tomorrow 13 September to 26 September, during the usual ticket office hours (from 11:00 to 14:00, from Monday to Saturday and from 12:00 to 14:00, on Sundays). and holidays if there is a function; even two hours before the start of the service).

The sale of seats, partial passes starts on 27 September. Telephone sales and group bookings can be made on 941 207 231 and online through the website: teatrobreton.org.

Special prices are available for season tickets and discounts of 20% with the youth card; 25% discount for organized groups of 20 or more people; 15% for organized groups of 12 or more people; 40% for groups of ESO and Baccalaureate students; 20% for the unemployed and for students of the University of La Rioja; 40% for young people up to 29 years old, in the premises of the first and second amphitheater on the same day of the function; and a 4×3 discount.

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