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The 4 teens who crashed their Audi into a tree near Strazhitsa were on their way to an engagement

Alec, 19, apparently without a license, passed in a wet section

They accused him of the two deaths, the police are keeping him in hospital

Two-day mourning in the city for Angelin – 16 years old, and Borislav – 17 years old

“We have to cut down the trees along the way – they are used only for obituaries,” said Strazhitsa Mayor Yordan Tsonev, concerned.

On Tuesday, Angelin Petrov, 16, was buried in Strazhitsa. 10th grade pupil of Angel Karaliychev school is one of the kids whose life ended ridiculously in a roadside tree near town on Saturday afternoon.

The other victim of the accident, Borislav Kostov, was buried on Monday. He is an 11th year pupil in the same high school in Strazhitsa.

At school, they are also praying for another graduate: 14-year-old Ismail Andreev, who narrowly survived Saturday’s brutal accident. The boy is on artificial respiration with cerebral edema, detachment of the scalp and multiple fractures in the intensive care unit of the Veliko Tarnovo hospital. He is stabilized, but he is

in a coma and the danger to his life has not passed

The whole city is devastated by the loss of the boys. After the tragedy, Mayor Yordan Tsonev announced two days of mourning in the municipality, flags were lowered to half mast, all celebrations and fun events were canceled.

People talk about the road from the city exit to the main Sofia – Varna road as cursed. There are 6 monuments in 500 meters in the long straight for one year. (Look at the box.)

The last serious accident occurred on September 17. 19-year-old Alek Aldinov, who has been living abroad with his parents for years, clouded two families by crashing a powerful Audi into a thick trunk along the track. The car with a foreign license plate was parked in Strazhitsa, where the young man had been staying for some time with his grandfather.

His fellow citizens do not remember that he studied in the city, perhaps he graduated from a German school, they assume.
On the fateful Saturday, the Audi A6 boys were going henna – a custom before a Turkish wedding – in the village of Kesarevo.

According to Muslim customs, and as the community complied with the noise ordinance, the event started early – around 16: 30-17: 00.

The driver hit the gas on the wet road and started overtaking

There was no contact and the young driver lost control, the Audi flew off the road at breakneck speed, people familiar with the investigation said.
The people in the other car who witnessed the accident stopped and told them what happened.

“It is fortunate that 14-year-old Ismail’s father and father-in-law drove less than a kilometer after the audit. They stop to help, not suspecting that their boy is in the car. Only at the sight of the bloody children do they realize that he is. among the wounded.

Fate: people responded very quickly and started eliminating them, “the mayor said. Saturday night he was in the emergency room until 11pm.

“I stayed there, we talked to the doctors on duty about the survivors’ conditions. Last time, Ismail’s parents and I talked to a nurse on duty in the intensive care unit. She was very responsive, she informed us about her. conditions. He is diabetic and the problem is monitoring his sugar because he is on insulin, “the mayor said.

Of the four in the car, only the driver, Alec, escaped with a severe concussion

He was admitted to the neurosurgery department of the Tarnovo hospital. He has acquired a position in the hospital bed. They also put a guard at his bedside because he is detained for 72 hours.

The prosecution will file a request for pre-trial detention, but it is not yet clear whether the defendant’s conditions will allow him to appear in court, or if the magistrates will also evaluate his provision in the hospital.

“Preliminary proceedings have been initiated, conducted by investigating police officers at the Gorna Oryahovitsa police station. The accusation is that, following an intentional violation of the highway code, death and personal injury to several people have been caused from negligence.

The law provides for this act from 3 to 10 years of imprisonment “, explained the spokesman of the District Prosecutor of Veliko Tarnovo, Iliyan Blagoev.

Driver’s blood test results for alcohol and drugs are not yet available. However, according to a reference in the records of the Ministry of the Interior, he does not have a driving license.

“It is said that he has a German driving license, this will be checked,” the prosecutor said. The driver has no criminal record. It has not been sanctioned in our country for traffic violations.

Mayor Yordan Tsonev: Six people died on this road in a year and a half

On this road at the exit of the city 6 people died in a year and a little. It is government owned and in decent condition. In the spring we made a partial repair at our expense. About 20 days ago, the Regional Road Administration was also filling the potholes. Is there any sign.

This was stated by the mayor of Strazhitsa, Yordan Tsonev, and was motivated by the fact that all the deaths in accidents on this road were due to the impact of a tree.

“I will speak again with the head of the road administration of Veliko Tarnovo, Vencislav Angelov, to find a solution. As the mayor of this municipality, I am obliged to act, because it involves 6 people.

In July there was an accident between a car and a bus, in which a woman was killed and three others were injured. Last year, three young men from the village of Tsarski Izvor died on their way home from work in Lyaskovets.

It was 200 meters from the current impact, “said the mayor. According to him, the problem is shared by both the drivers themselves and the owners of the road and the police.

“Nobody should be blamed personally, our streets have turned into cemetery alleys. My opinion is that there should be no billboards or trees all along the streets, because if it is flat and bare, even if the car goes off the road. , there is nothing to bump into.

Here death is due to a blow to a tree. Its diameter is probably 80-90 cm.

The state does not have the possibility to put guardrails on all roads, but if we clean them of this vegetation, even in the event of an accident, there is nothing to bump into the car and the likelihood that the injured will be minor is very much major “., analyzed the mayor, who is a former policeman.

An initiative has already been taken to secure municipal roads. The equipment was purchased to clean them inside the servants.

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