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The 23rd Central China Agricultural Fair (Hunan) was opened in Changsha.

Source Title: The 23rd Central China (Hunan) Agricultural Fair Opens in Changsha. Huinong Network helps Moqi agricultural products to enter the star city

(Moqi regional brand agricultural special products appeared at 23rd Central China Agricultural Expo (Hunan))

On October 28, the 23rd Agricultural Expo of Central China (Hunan) (hereinafter referred to as Agricultural Expo) was opened in Changsha, Hunan and the regional public brand “Original from Moqi” was presented. Purple-faced wild mushroom, fragrant long grain rice, Mengda deer products, yellow / black glutinous corn, sea buckthorn juice … An amazing range of agricultural products under the Moli Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner brand (hereinafter referred to as Moqi) are exhibited at Changsha International The W4 Special Industry Hall 2 of the Convention and Exhibition Center attracted the attention of exhibitors and buying groups.

Mo Banner is an autonomous banner under the jurisdiction of the city of Hulunbuir, in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and the only autonomous Daur banner in the country. As an agricultural flag, Moqi has 8.5319 million mu of arable land and 8.1 million mu of black earth, rich in soy, wheat, rice, sugar beet, corn, etc., of which soybean production represents a third of the production of the autonomous region, the country’s first county-level, known as the “hometown of soybeans.”

In order to further increase exposure to Moqi’s agricultural market, expand agricultural product sales channels and promote the link between production and sales, and strengthen the influence of the regional public brand “Originating from Moqi”, the Office industry and information (Commercial Office) of Moli Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner together Hunan Huinong Technology Co., Ltd. (Huinong Net) specially organized Moqi local agricultural products to participate in this agricultural fair.

As the only agricultural brand exhibition approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs under the title of “Central China” and as an organizer, the Agricultural Expo shows the achievements of agriculture, the development of modern agriculture, the strengthening regional industrial exchanges, relaunching rural revitalization and consolidating the achievements in poverty alleviation have played an important role in these aspects. This year’s Agricultural Expo is hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the People’s Government of Hunan Province, organized by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hunan Province and the People’s Government of Changsha City .Construction of agricultural brands, advantageous characteristic industries, modern agricultural science and technology and other achievements.

(Moqi agricultural products are favored by exhibitors)

“It turns out that Moqi’s rice and long-grain fragrant corn are sold here, and I finally found it.” Ms. Chen, a local from Changsha, was visiting the exhibition when she saw other citizens buying Moqi special agricultural products, and she went to many exhibition areas. Ms. Chen said that she and her family had already traveled to Moqi, and that she not only loved the rich tourist resources of Moqi, but also the sweet and glutinous rice and corn produced in the black earth of Moqi, which satiated. her appetite.

Among the various branded agricultural products exhibited this time by Moqi, yellow glutinous corn can be called “star product”. On October 30, as a service provider for the construction of the global national e-commerce demonstration project in rural areas of Moqi, Huinong.com will also build a live broadcast hall in the exhibition hall and make “Huinong Live Broadcast” on multiple platforms, to provide services to farmers, including glutinous yellow corn. Moqi’s special agricultural products are introduced and the Moqi agricultural product brand “Festival” is created online, promoting the upward trend of agricultural products and enhancing the influence of the regional public brand of “Original from Moqi”.

It is reported that in the follow-up, Huinong.com will further join the Moqi Industry and Information Bureau (Commercial Bureau) to closely focus on the goal of building a public brand in the “Original from Moqi” area and promote the promotion of Momo through carrying out upward business of agricultural products and strengthening talent training in e-commerce. More agricultural products have become branded online products and more agricultural professionals have become “new farmers”, strengthening the construction of the Moqi agricultural product brand.

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