In recent days, in western New York State in the United States, residents have been hit by a devilish snowstorm (if you forgive me the expression), which has led them to find themselves under a huge layer of 1m80 powder. Even in this area, where winters are usually harsh, such a large amount of snowfall is unusual. I therefore have two choices: to remind you of the disastrous consequences of climate change, or to share with you the photos of Americans who clearly illustrate the oddity of this situation. And I’m a little too lazy to talk about ecology.

To give you an extent of the mess

This guy is 1m93. That’s a nice little layer of snow.

Nature has resumed its course

The guys totally made themselves a snow bar

You always have to have a good put to measure

They will end up regretting the fires the firefighters

Not very practical for getting out of the car

Be careful, the snow hides huge coypus

It really went down the drain in fact

The snow cover reached 3.5 Kirby around here

When you parked somewhere but you don’t know where

It didn’t taint his joie de vivre and that’s beautiful

Finally a real man’s fridge

8h to clear this driveway when the Sun would have taken care of it at one time or another (it’s stupid)

It’s good to keep style in all circumstances

It’s as beautiful as funny, it looks like a novel (but I don’t know by whom)

Alright we’re not going to work today

Can’t wait for the snow to melt so that the world is doing like a charm.