Home » today » News » The 19th legislature is underway: La Russa president of the Senate. Salvini: Fontana candidate for the Chamber – Politics

The 19th legislature is underway: La Russa president of the Senate. Salvini: Fontana candidate for the Chamber – Politics

“I asked Riccardo Molinari for his willingness to continue his mandate as leader of the Lega at Montecitoriodespite having all the credentials to be President of the Chamber “, says the leader of the League Matteo Salvini. “Molinari was and will be the best possible group leader, a role that is the most politically relevant to me for the next five years” she continues. Salvini is meeting with deputy secretaries Andrea Crippa, Lorenzo Fontana and Giancarlo Giorgetti. Giorgetti left the decision for a possible post in the future government to Salvini. Fontana, former Vice President of the Chamber, is the candidate for the Chamber.

“If the League wants the Mef and sends me there, I’ll go”. Giancarlo Giorgetti said so.

Also, there is great intolerance among the senators of the Brothers of Italy towards the colleagues of Forza Italia for what happened today in the Chamber during the vote for the election of the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa. It is learned from sources close to FdI. “The risk – the Melonians say – is that this inconvenience could affect next Wednesday the choices of appointments that will be made for the presidency”.

Ignazio La Russa is the president of the Senate with 116 votes. There were 187 senators present, 186 voters, the required majority was 104 votes. La Russa got 116, Segre 2, Calderoli 2, the blank ballots were 66.
From Forza Italia only two votes, by Casellati and Berlusconi, while 16 forced senators did not vote: La Russa was elected with the help of the opposition. The Democratic Party: ‘A serious behavior’. ‘It wasn’t us,’ said Renzi.
La Russa assumed the presidency of the Senate by climbing on the highest seat of Palazzo Madama. The FdI exponent brought a bouquet of white roses for Liliana Segre. Applause from the center-right benches, including Forza Italia. More lukewarm applause even from the opposition benches.

The third vote to elect the President of the Chamber is underway in the Chamber.


“Even in this legislature we expect and will talk about reforms. We must not talk about ‘everything and now’, but above all we must not fear them. We must try to implement them together. first part which is intangible – but that part of the Constitution which gives more capacity to give answers to citizens and to belong to the will of the people “. This was stated by the president of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, adding that he believes “that the Senate can do it, in various ways: the important thing is that there is political will to carry out these reforms”.

“I wanted to pay homage, not proforma but from the heart, to bring flowers to Senator for life Segre who spoke of three dates I do not want to run away from: April 25, May 1 and June 2. I would like to add the date of birth of the Kingdom of Italy that sooner or later will have to become a national holiday. These dates all together must be celebrated by everyone because only a cohesive and united Italy is the best precondition for facing any emergency and criticality “.

“Mine is a duty of service, I don’t have to look for applause today, I don’t have to say bombastic words or pick up on your benevolence. I need words that arouse applause, but only a sincere promise: I will try with all my strength to be everyone’s president “. This is how Ignazio La Russa concludes his first speech as president of the Senate sealed by a long applause.


The comment of Giorgia Meloni: “Congratulations to the new president of the Senate of the Republic, Ignazio La Russa. We are proud that the senators have elected a patriot, a servant of the state, a man in love with Italy and who has always put the national interest before anything. For Fratelli of Italy Ignazio is an irreplaceable point of reference, a friend, a brother, an example for generations of militants and leaders “, says the leader of Fdi. “Thanks to all those who, with a sense of responsibility and in a moment in which Italy is asking for immediate answers, have made it possible to have the second position of the State elected at the first vote. We will continue to proceed quickly”.

“It wasn’t us, I would have claimed it with pride. The 9 of us voted blank ballot. It is clear that there is a settling of scores around the center-right”. The leader of Iv declares it Matteo Renzi cmentioning the election of Ignazio La Russa as president of the Senate. “While the majority left divided, a part of the opposition provided decisive aid for the election of La Russa as president of the Senate. A serious and irresponsible behavior that must be denounced with the utmost force”. The senator and coordinator of the Pd secretariat, Marco Meloni, writes on Twitter.


Moments of tension between Fi leader Silvio Berlusconi and Ignazio La Russa in the Senate Chamber, from what can be seen from a video of Tg1 and Sky, the Fdi exponent approached the Cav who was sitting on the benches of his party and, after a brief exchange, the former premier slams the punches on the counter and sends it to that country. “Sincere wishes to the new President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa. Forza Italia wanted to give a signal of openness and collaboration with the vote of President Berlusconi. But in a meeting of the Forza Italia group in the Senate it emerged a strong unease about the vetoes expressed in recent days in reference to the formation of the government. We hope that these vetoes will be overcome, giving way to a loyal and effective collaboration with the other forces of the majority, to quickly restore government to the country “. Berlusconi.


Here’s what happens in Parliament in the coming days. Let’s start with the election of the presidents of the chambers, a fundamental step that will guide all parliamentary activity until the end of the legislature. The election of the President of the Chamber is triggered in the first three ballots only if a 2/3 majority is reached (equal to 267 votes). In the second and third voting the quorum drops to 2/3 of those present. From the fourth ballot, an absolute majority is sufficient, equal to 201 votes. It should be remembered that this is the first time that we have voted after the constitutional reform which drastically reduced the number of parliamentarians.

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