Jakarta –
When we talk about terrible times for human beings, we often talk about horror XVII century missed discussion. Some researchers and historians call the 17th century the most terrible era for mankind. Why?
In those days, wealth was growing for some and the world was starting to become more and more connected. But at the same time, wars raged, the world was engulfed in political upheaval, inflation, and the chaos of climate change.
Historians often refer to this period as the “General Crisis,” an era defined by widespread conflict and instability that occurred from the early 17th to early 18th centuries, especially in Europe and much of Asia.
As an indicator of how difficult the conditions are XVII centuryresearchers believe this century will be the last time global human population declines.
The main factor driving this decline was the frequent wars that occurred in the 1600s, ranging from the Civil War in England, the Fronde Civil War in France, the Franco-Spanish War, the Anglo-Dutch War, the Mughal-Maratha in India, and the collapse of dynasties including the Ming in China.
Of all the wars of the 17th century, the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) was one of the most destructive wars in European history, resulting in up to 8 million deaths.
Like any historical event, it cannot be explained by a single factor and researchers have debated the origin of the crisis for decades. However, it is clear that much of the upheaval that occurred can be traced back to the Little Ice Age that occurred around this time.
According to NASA, as quoted by IFL Science, this very cold period lasted from about 1550 AD to 1850 AD in Europe, North America and Asia, with the first peak occurring right in the mid-17th century.
The cause of the Little Ice Age is not known for certain. But one of the more credible explanations is that increased volcanic activity during this period played a major role.
This century full of bloodshed has been exacerbated by the unfavorable climate. That is why 17th-century European paintings are dominated by snowy landscapes. This doesn’t seem like a coincidence, as temperatures in many parts of Western Europe during that era froze to 2°C.
London, England was so cold that from 1608 onwards a “Frost Fairs” festival was held on the Thames where locals built markets, played games and partied on the frozen Thames.
In the 19th century, the frequency of freezing of the River Thames started to decrease and up to now it is very rare, mainly because the temperature is rising nowadays.
A 2011 study argues that the Little Ice Age drastically impacted agricultural production. In turn, this has led to food shortages, economic chaos, surges [protes yang marah di seluruh Eropa, dan akhirnya, banyak sekali perang dan pemberontakan.
Dengan membandingkan data iklim dengan variabel lain, termasuk ukuran populasi, perang, gangguan sosial, produksi pertanian, harga biji-bijian, dan upah, para peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa Krisis Umum ada kaitannya dengan pendinginan global antara tahun 1560 dan 1660.
Jelas bahwa orang-orang di abad ke-17 sangat menyadari betapa suramnya zaman mereka. Sebuah dokumen tahun 1641 dari China, berbunyi: “Di antara semua kejadian aneh bencana dan pemberontakan, tidak pernah ada yang lebih buruk dari ini.”
Dua tahun kemudian, sebuah pamflet dari Spanyol menjelaskan: “Ini tampaknya menjadi salah satu zaman di mana setiap bangsa dalam kondisi jungkir balik, membuat beberapa pemikir besar curiga bahwa kita sedang mendekati akhir dunia.”
Di zaman sekarang, kita sering mendengar bahwa dunia sedang di ambang kehancuran dan menuju kiamat. Dampak krisis iklim semakin nyata, penyakit mengerikan mendatangkan malapetaka, pandemi COVID-19 membunuh jutaan manusia, polusi merajalela, dan ketegangan geopolitik kian membara.
Jika menengok ke belakang, ke abad ke-17, kita akan tersadar bahwa semua krisis pada akhirnya akan berlalu, dan krisis baru pasti akan muncul.
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